C H A P T E R 3 : Meddling

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"Ah! No fair, why is it my turn again?" Natsu groaned, leaning back against the bean bag as Ari offered another full mug of beer.

"What do you mean unfair? This is round is legitimate!" Ari pushed the mug against Natsu's face. 

"Take it you weakling!" Erza stomped her foot on the table, rattling the variety of snacks resting on top of it. 

When Natsu ended up falling asleep on the bean bag, Ari offered it to the next person, the drunk ice wizard trying to keep up the strong act. "How about you, handsome?"

Gray's face was flushed as Ari slithered close to him. Gray slung an arm around Ari and she felt immediate chills run down her spine. She gently pushed Gray's arm away and gave him the mug. "Someone's keeping a good eye on you, tiger."

Before Gray could sling an arm around Ari once more, his face was smushed against a palm that came from a very intoxicated raging redhead. "Shut up! You're not drinking enough!"

Ari raised a brow, her eyes filled with amusement as she watched Erza flail her teammate out of intoxication. That was until the ice mage was on the verge of throwing up.

Ari stood up and placed a hand on Erza's shoulder before handing her another mug. "There, there, why don't we drink a little bit more?"

The redhead glared at Ari, putting her arms down and the ice mage with it before she took the mug Ari was offering and gulped it down. She used two of her fingers to point at her own eyes before moving them to point at Ari. "I'm watching you..."

Ari raised her hands in defeat, stepping back to give Erza some space. "It's not like I'll be doing anything anytime soon."

"You. You give Lucy back." Erza slurred, her eyes dead set on Ari, following her steps. 

"I'm sorry, but that's not my call to make. I'm just a pawn." Ari shrugged her shoulders, eyes lingering along the Titania's flushed face. 

As soon as Ari's back hit the wall, Erza slammed her palm against them, a loud thud ringing in Ari's ears. "If anything happens to Lucy, I'll kill you."

"Anytime is good, Erza." Ari raised her hand to take a feel of Erza's scarlet hair, inching her face closer to Erza.  

Ari's eyes traveled from Erza's hair to her chin, her lips, and finally her eyes as her back remained pressed against the wall.  Ari's lips formed into a smirk before moving her face closer to Erza's, initially planning to plant a soft kiss on her lips yet Erza veered right, completely missing Ari's kiss before falling to the ground.

Ari caught Erza before she could hit the wall, using her arms to support her from under. 

Ari shook her head, scoffing. "This is hopeless."

That night, Ari wasn't able to sleep as soundly as she could, having four loud snoring visitors wasn't really ideal, but she appreciated seeing the scarlet mage snore gently in her bed.

From her seat at the window ledge, she walked to her bed and crouched in front of Erza, watching her sleep. "How about I kidnap you next time, yeah?"

Erza groaned slightly as she shuffled in Ari's bed, brows creasing for a few seconds. Ari lightly traced her fingertips along Erza's cheek before caressing it with her thumb.

The good moment didn't last, however, as soon as Ari felt a hostile energy radiating half a kilometer from where she stood. She immediately jumped out the window and flipped herself up the roof, waiting for the murderous intent to come closer.

Minutes later, she felt grains of sand falling from the sky and piling up in front of her as the murderous intent started to dissipate. At that instant, she knew who came for her.

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