C H A P T E R 2 : Fairy Tail

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The early morning after Lucy was taken, the members of Fairy Tail were all up on their master's face especially a peach-haired lad screaming his guts out.

"Let us get Lucy back, Master!" Natsu exclaimed.

The ice wizard, although seemingly calm, stared at the scarlet-haired mage as she had her morning tea. Her gaze was set outside the guild, lost in thought, until Gray gently tapped the table.

"Erza." his voice was low, but it was enough for her to slowly turn to him. "You're okay with this?"

"The master has told us that--"

"I ALREADY TOLD YOU LUCY IS EXCUSED! NOT KIDDNAPPED!" the master's voice rang throughout the guild.

Silence instantly filled the building, all members standing before the raged master. They have been bugging him all morning about Lucy and it was high time he had enough of it.

"The guild master contacted me and told me about what happened yesterday. If it wasn't all that convenient that I was in a meeting that day too..." Makarov massaged his forehead as he sat back down.

All of a sudden, the silence caused everyone to hear the abrupt scrape of the wooden bench as well as gentle raps on the guild door. The stares were divided between Erza and the girl from yesterday. 

No one moved a muscle for a good moment until Natsu leapt up into the air to send a huge fireball fist towards the young mage. In response, the girl anticipated his fist seconds before it hit her face and side stepped before lightly touching his clothes.

Ari wore a gentle smile as she revealed a small magic circle upon Natsu's shoulder before suspending him up in the air. 

Natsu grunted as he removed himself from his upper garment before using his feet to send another attack towards Ari. With the use of Natsu's clothes, she bound Natsu's ankle and pushed him far away from her. 

Natsu struggled to remove the knot that formed at his ankles. "Natsu." Makarov called out to him, which caused him to stop squirming and simply hang off the air. "She's our guest."

Ari slowly set Natsu on the ground and gave him back his clothes before standing before all of them. Her eyes started to scan all around the room to look for a specific person. Fortunately for her, she found Erza looking right at her and it gave her literal chills. 

"Ari." Makarov called to her and she immediately knew what he wanted. She stood straight and bowed in front of everyone. 

"I'm sorry for the shock yesterday and as for proof that the girl is okay, I'm here to stand in her stead. That said, both masters agreed that if one of us gets harmed, the other will get it." Ari ran a hand through her hair before letting her eyes fall back to Erza.

"Erza, come here for a little bit." Makarov called out from his sitting place. Ari also took a look at Makarov and found him motioning her to come close too. Without another second, she came up to Fairy Tail's guild master together with Erza.

"Ari. I welcome you to Fairy Tail. I know you've had a rough first impression with them but I hope you'd be able to get along well. As per our agreement, you'll be under constant watch, to make sure that your guild doesn't pull any tricks. I apologize for the precaution." He sighed.

Ari simply nodded. "I understand, Master Makarov."

He jumped to Ari and hugged her, tears falling from his face. "Thank you so much. Our guild has been through so much I don't know if its because we're just unlucky."

Ari chuckled, becoming a little overwhelmed with the Fairy Tail's master actions. Erza, feeling Ari's uneasiness cleared her throat before peeling the master from Ari.

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