A/N: Right so I forgot to define in the previous chapter, but Ge Ge is 哥哥, which means older brother.
"How could Sixteenth Brother not see it?" Bai Qian slammed her jar of wine down on the table, and Ye Hua kept silent as he sipped his tea. Bai Qian's eyebrows had never been straight ever since two hours ago, and knowing that if he spoke on Zi Lan's behalf now, she would most probably reject going to bed with him that very night. "High Immortal Zi Lan has always been rather slow." Feng Jiu spoke thickly, her third bottle of wine empty as well, "Didn't he think that Gugu you were crossdressing as a female?"
"Don't even mention that." Bai Qian scowled, taking another swig of wine, and Feng Jiu sat up straight, her index finger held upright as she seemingly managed to focus on Bai Qian, before her head slammed into the table, and within moments, Feng Jiu began to cry. "Aiyo! Xiao Jiu, what are you doing? You can't possibly split this table with your forehead!" Bai Qian quickly patted Feng Jiu's back, but Feng Jiu only sobbed louder, "Gugu...how is it that even High Immortal Zi Lan has reciprocated love? Isn't it impossible for Celestials to love people from the Ghost Tribe? Then what about me and Di Jun?"
"You and Di Jun...?" Bai Qian froze, and Feng Jiu lifted her head briefly, "He said he liked me, Gugu. At the battle of Ruo Shui. Was that only to bluff me?" "Aiyo! Little Highness!" Cheng Yu suddenly appeared, and Bai Qian was horrified to see both A-Li and Bai Jing with the young deity. "What's that, Mother?" Bai Jing pointed at Bai Qian's jar of wine curiously, and Bai Qian quickly shoved it into Cheng Yu's unexpecting arms, "Nothing that you should know of too soon, Jing'er." "What about Brother Dong Hua?" A-Li piped up as well, and Feng Jiu began to cry even harder at A-Li's mention of "Brother Dong Hua".
"Don't cry, Sister Feng Jiu..." Bai Jing offered Feng Jiu her handkerchief, trying to rub away Feng Jiu's tears, and Feng Jiu was momentarily distracted by Bai Jing's kind gesture, "Thank you, Bai Jing." "Jing'er, A-Li, come here." Ye Hua nodded at his children, knowing that Feng Jiu still needed Bai Qian's listening ear as a confidant, and that Bai Qian could not talk with Feng Jiu at ease while the children were around, "How about I bring you to my study? I have some books there for you to read, A-Li. And you can sit on my lap while I finish approving the memoirs, Jing'er."
"Whatever happened to you, Feng Jiu?" Bai Qian sighed at last, once the two children were out of earshot, and Feng Jiu habitually buried her head against Bai Qian’s chest, “Gugu~” “This wine is good.” Cheng Yu smacked her lips, having tasted a sip of the wine from Bai Qian’s flagon, and Bai Qian shot the deity a glare; that was one of the only few bottles of peach blossom wine that Zhe Yan had rewarded her after Bai Jing had been born, and Cheng Yu really dared to just take a sip from it? If it wasn’t for the fact that Feng Jiu was busily sobbing into her chest like a puppy that just had its tail trodden on, Bai Qian was awfully tempted to tell Cheng Yu off.
“Xiao Jiu...was it your hallucination, perhaps?” Bai Qian still couldn’t quite believe that Di Jun might possibly have confessed to any sort of affection, well, at least not aloud, but Feng Jiu shook her head insistently, “He said it! I wasn’t hallucinating! He said it!” “Perhaps he had thought you were dying, so he said that to make you feel better.” Cheng Yu suggested, licking her fingers clean of crumbs, and Bai Qian looked up alarmedly, “Cheng Yu!”
“I’m not dead! But Dong Hua Di Jun is treating me like I am!” Feng Jiu yelled, suddenly enraged and staggering to her feet, and even as the Heavenly Lady was swift to clap her hand over her niece’s mouth, a single purple figure stepped out from the shadows, “I think, Bai Feng Jiu of Bai Feng Jiu, that you must really be out of your mind to call me by my full title.”
“Bai Qian greets Di Jun.” Bai Qian bowed hurriedly, and Cheng Yu followed suit, “Cheng Yu greets Di Jun.” “Lian Song,” Di Jun looked behind him, only to reveal the Third Lord of the Heavens, Lian Song, “I think that you ought to keep your woman in check.” “Y-yes, of course, Di Jun.” Lian Song looked rather surprised that he had been requested to keep Chng Yu in check, but without waiting for him to react, Cheng Yu already gave a courteous bow, “Cheng Yu knows her mistake now. I just remembered that the Lord of the South Dipper Lord Si Ming invited me to write some scrolls of fate with him, so do excuse me.”

What If...I Remember?
FanfictionThis story is a TMOPB Adapted plot Fanfic, as well as a mainly YH/BQ story, and it begins about when Ye Hua and Bai Qian meet at the East Sea though with a bit of tweaks, and excludes their brief meeting at Zhe Yan's peach grove, meaning that later...