"Ye Hua, could you stop fidgeting?"
Blinking, Ye Hua realised that he had been shifting in his seat ever since he was seated, and he looked over to his mother apologetically, "Sorry Mother."
Sighing, Le Xu watched as her son glanced at the doors of the hall again, a pinch of frustration coming by his face as fast as it went, and Le Xu had to admit that Bai Qian was really quite impressive. No one had ever successfully brought any form of expression onto Ye Hua's face this frequently, and yet Bai Qian did it easily, with merely just her words and actions, and everything that made her, well, her.
"Ye Hua, it's still a while away from the auspicious hour." Le Xu eyed Su Jin sliding away from her soldier uncles and walking over from across the room from the corner of her eye, and when Ye Hua stiffened at Su Jin's nearing presence, Le Xu yanked Su Jin over to her side, and Su Jin turned her wide eyes to Le Xu in a questioning gaze that spoke clearly: Why did you pull me away from Ye Hua? Is this not my chance?
But those beautiful wide eyes of Su Jin's somehow looked more unfitting than ever in the very moment, and Le Xu shuddered. If only Su Su knew that Ye Hua was to be married today...would her ghost haunt him? Casting a sidelong gaze at Ye Hua, Le Xu smiled at her son in an attempt to warm the atmosphere, "Ye Hua, should we check if A-Li is ready, perhaps? He should look handsome in his little red robes."
Handsome he will be for sure, because he is Ye Hua's son. But a stark contrast he will be when compared to his parents, that is, Su Jin thought. Ye Hua wore black robes again, as per always, and the only difference was that the dragons were weaved into his robes with red and golden threads, not black ones, and even that attempt at livening the gloomy colour into something brighter had sort of failed, barely adding colour to his robes at all. And Bai Qian's wedding dress, albeit being a beauty indeed, was all pure white with silver ornaments, and even though it seemed plain, jealousy still filled Su Jin's heart once more.
When she married into Ye Hua's harem as his side consort, she was given a bright red dress, nothing like Bai Qian's beautiful white silk dress, with red accessories to go with it, and at that time she had foolishly thought was rather extravagant for a side consort, combined with the rainbow streamers and decorations put all over the palace that she would enter. But Ye Hua hadn't even bothered to change into any suit or robe, and had plunged that icy sword straight into her chest, the wound and her heartbreak bringing her phantom pain for weeks.
And now the hilarity. Not just the whole Xi Wu Palace was decorated; the entirety of the Grand Hall had been brushed clean of dust just so that it would prove their purity and sincerity of heart, whilst all the palaces were decorated with decor even though many were in no way involved with the celebration. The streamers and decorations made out of finest materials ever stored in the Nine Heavens. There was even a banquet, where the food was also personally made by that Little Princess of Qing Qiu, Bai Feng Jiu, whose cooking was famously praised for being the best.
"A-Li will be brought over by Jia Yun." Ye Hua's eyes landed coldly on Su Jin, and she smiled sweetly back at him, albeit knowing what his gaze meant, "Ye Hua, Sister Bai Qian will have to endure thirty-six flashes of heavenly fire and nine bolts of heavenly thunderbolts later on in the wedding ceremony in order to become the Crown Princess. I can help you look after A-Li..."
"That you needn't worry. Feng Jiu will be glad to help, as will Qian Qian's Si Ge and High God Zhe Yan." Ye Hua rose as A-Li came running in, wearing a formal red attire that was rather festive for him. "A-Li greets Grandmother, Father, Consort Su Jin." A-Li bowed, letting go of Jia Yun's hand, before he ran into his father's arms, "Father, Father, I saw Mother! She's on her way!"
"Is she?" Ye Hua smiled at him, and as if on cue, the creaking of the heavy grand doors was heard, and the chatting of the many deities quieted to a murmuring mass of voices as everyone turned to the grand doors of the Great Hall. Slowly, sunlight spilled in from the crack in the doors, filling the room with a natural radiance, and when the surprise of the initial flare of light finally faded, the murmurs completely ceased to exist, a still silence overwhelming the hall.

What If...I Remember?
FanfictionThis story is a TMOPB Adapted plot Fanfic, as well as a mainly YH/BQ story, and it begins about when Ye Hua and Bai Qian meet at the East Sea though with a bit of tweaks, and excludes their brief meeting at Zhe Yan's peach grove, meaning that later...