A/N: Sooooooooooooo...
The verdict...
...is that...
...I will write a portion of Feng Jiu and Dong Hua, which is dedicated to ItsMimerz...
...and the rest will be Bai Qian and Ye Hua...
...BUT!!! Don't be too sad that there's only short portions of Dong Hua and Feng Jiu...
...because once I've finished this book, I may consider opening a second book, that weaves its story into this book as well, and it would be...Feng Jiu and Dong Hua :) This idea would be from jinenmje :))))
"Madam, you're back?" Nai Nai looked up to see Bai Qian at the entrance of A-Li's Qing Yun Palace, and Bai Qian nodded, "Where's A-Li?" "Little Highness...was brought to Goddess Le Xu." Nai Nai appeared to be slightly worried, and Bai Qian frowned at her, "Don't tell me Su Jin is there as well."
"She is..." Nai Nai bit her lip, and Bai Qian almost rushed off angrily when Nai Nai held her back, "Madam, please don't be impulsive! You'll get into trouble again!" "I won't, Nai Nai." Bai Qian promised, but her eyes betrayed her, and Nai Nai quickly dropped to her knees, "Madam, I beg you, please don't pick trouble with Su Jin! At least, not now!"
"Fine, I won't." Bai Qian calmed down after moments of Nai Nai kneeling, and she nodded for Nai Nai to stop kneeling, "I'll just go fetch A-Li, alright?"
And Nai Nai could only nod meekly, "I'll come along."
"...are you sure Bai Feng Jiu is back in Qing Qiu?" Di Jun raised his eyebrows at Si Ming, and he bowed to the ancient god, "Di Jun, I dare not lie to you." "Good." Di Jun unblinkingly turned back to his scroll, and Si Ming didn't know if to ask why he would suddenly ask such a thing, or if he should just make a trip to Qing Qiu and...
"Si Ming, what are you doing with that brush?" Di Jun's expression was amused, and Si Ming realised that he had dripped ink all across his scroll. Mentally cursing, Si Ming quickly vanished the ink, and Di Jun disinterestedly glanced at Si Ming, "Help me arrange a love trial in the Mortal Realm."
Si Ming, who had just picked up the cup of tea that Di Jun had given to him, couldn't help as he sprayed the entire mouthful of tea into his sleeve, choking and coughing as he looked at Di Jun in surprise, "Di Jun, pardon me for the atrocity...but, what?!"
"I figured that I still owe her something. We were fated, after all." Di Jun seemed wistful as he read another few lines of Buddha scriptures, and Si Ming briefly wondered if Di Jun had been possessed, before he shook his head. Even if everyone could be possessed, the last person to be so would definitely be Di Jun. So...no, Di Jun most certainly wasn't possessed.
"Should I inform the Little Highness?" Si Ming bowed respectfully, and Di Jun glanced at him, "Don't bother with it today. I heard she's going out with her Aunt. Make sure she's alone as well, I wouldn't want every single smitten girl or every soul I've saved come interfering with this."
And Si Ming was giving everything to hold his laugh in as he bowed, "Yes, Di Jun."

What If...I Remember?
FanficThis story is a TMOPB Adapted plot Fanfic, as well as a mainly YH/BQ story, and it begins about when Ye Hua and Bai Qian meet at the East Sea though with a bit of tweaks, and excludes their brief meeting at Zhe Yan's peach grove, meaning that later...