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A/N: This is my first time writing a story, it's pretty bad but pls be nice 𖨆


That was all I saw as an unknown voice called out to me. I felt a soft shake that progressively got rougher as my eyes slowly opened. 'Ugh what? W-where is this place?'

"Ah! Your awake!" I look up to see a red haired girl garbed with armor from head to toe. I immediately squint my eyes as they were sensitive to the sudden light and rubbed them  as the lady went on.

"The ritual actually worked?! *ahem* O Great Hero from another world! Thou hast come so far to fulfill your role in our legend! For our kingdom now stands on the very brink of ruin, and thou... And thou..." 

She hesitated before raising a brow. "Are you really the Great Hero? You don't look like the thee-and-thou type." I got up and dusted myself off as she observed me head to toe.

"My name's Anna. I'm the commander of the Order of Heroes"

She gives me a slight smile before offering me her hand. "What's your name?" 

I hesitate before taking her hand. "The names Y/n". She shakes my hand, and before any of us can speak another word, hefty footsteps were heard with a yell that followed. "HAHA I FOUND YOU!" I then see someone running towards us with a fucking AXE.

"Drat! How did one of those Emblians get here already? Stand back! I'll take care of him somehow!" I gave her a quick nod and stood back as she prepared herself for battle.

The sound of clashes were soon heard, and after a final movement of her axe, the man fell to the ground, dead. My eyes widened as she lowered her weapon. "Phew, now that's done-"


I just stood there, jaws wide open as another yell rang through the field.

"THERE SHE IS, GET HER!" I turned around to see more armored men, dressed just like the one on the ground. "Drat. More of those Emblian soldiers," she scowled. "I can't defeat them all myself, and you're not equipped to help me." She handed me a weird looking gun after patting me on my back. "You run while I hold them off. Take Breidablik and get out of here!"

I watch her as she attacked the nearest soldier from us. Taking a few steps back, I took a look at the weapon. "Desperate times call for desperate measures" I mumble, pulling the trigger. A bright light engulfed the field as a man dressed in a kimono came out. He looked around with confusion before looking at the situation.  Anna looked at me with wide eyes before giving me a quick thumbs up, dodging an attack.

"Um, hi." I give the unknown man a quick wave before speaking. "My names Y/n. Can you please help the lady with the axe?" He didn't give me a reply, but instead readied his bow, releasing it a few seconds after. It went dead straight through the soldiers head, and he continued to shoot. 

'Goddamn' I thought as Anna ran towards us.

"How'd you do that? You summoned a hero Y/n! You just picked up Breidablik, and you're already able to use it!" She shouted, clearly amazed by this. 'Bread-a-what?'

"What's your name?" She asked, turning to the man that had aided us. "I'm Takumi, Prince of Hoshido and wielder of the divine Fujin Yumi. Which makes me pretty useful, I'd say" he replied in a matter-of-fact tone of voice. I sweat-dropped and rubbed my arm which was quite sore after all this. 

"We won! And it's all thanks to you, Y/n." She went on. "Why, none of us in the Order of Heroes can actually summon these Heroes. Ha! I never doubted for a second that you were the Great Hero. You're the one who will save our kingdom! Our order is small, but welcome to our ranks. Please, help us find more Heroes to assist us."

"Ok, first, what the hell do you mean by heroes. This guy called himself a prince? Are we in a convention of some sort?" I asked tilting my head. I fiddled with the cloak I had on since I came here.

"I have no idea what that is, but we believe that Heroes should live free. Our enemies, however, enslave them, the fiends. This realm has gateways to the worlds where Heroes come from. Have you heard of the World of Awakening? How about the World of Birthright? Or the World of Conquest? There are so many more! However, the Emblian Empire invades those worlds and binds their Heroes to their service. We, the Order, fight for their freedom!"

"And with you here, I know that it'll come true!"

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