꧁ The Blue Eyed Prince ꧂

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A/n: I suck at titles and that's the sad truth :(

"That soldier was from the Emblian Empire, which will soon invade our neighboring kingdom Askr. I was desperate for help. I performed a summoning ceremony. And you just appeared out of nowhere!" She said, as the Takumi guy and I stood side by side.

After the mini fight, Anna explained to me of what my purpose was and a brief understanding of Askr. I apparently hold the title as the  'Great Hero' or 'Summoner'. Apparently, it has the ability to shoot people out of it, or Breidablik as they call it, which ordinary people can't do. I twirled the gun around my finger a couple times before holding strapping it on my hips.

'I guess I'll be staying here for a while.'

Following Anna like a lost puppy, we aimlessly walked towards the so called 'castle.'

"Ah, Commander Anna!" A soldier saluted, holding his lance by his side. They took their sweet time talking about the prince and princesses whereabouts while Takumi played with his bow.

I took the time to admire the view around us. The sky was clearer than any I've seen before, with soft white clouds lazing across the sky, the soft sway of the grass dancing along with the gentle breeze. Sounds of rippling water, followed by tweets of birds from here to there. I crouched down to see flowers of many color Everything was like a walking fairytale.

"Commander Anna, you're alright!" We all turned to the sudden voice, a figure running towards us.

At closer inspection, I noticed that they were wearing the same kind of uniform Anna had on, with a mix of white yellow and blue, armor glinting under the sun. They also had blue hair, with tints of yellow at the end, sword hanging from his side.

His eyes went from Anna to my cloaked figure. A pair of curious blue eyes wandered from the gun at my side to my hidden face. I pulled the hood of the cloak down even further as the stare was becoming a little awkward.

He cleared his throat. "Commander, this is?" He asked, eyes still glued at my form. "Wait, could it be..?"

"It is, Prince Alfonse!" I coughed. Another prince. A PRINCE. "The legend is true! I raised Breidablik, and then Y/n appeared!"

She went on, holding her hand towards me. "Our Great Hero is here, and can use the divine weapon too! As for what Breidablik shoots? It's truly wonderful! It fires heroes right out of it!"

"Unbelievable," he murmured. "So you're our Great
Hero, come to us from another world. I am Alfonse, Prince of Askr and member of the Order of Heroes. A pleasure to meet you." He offered me his hand with a slight bow.

"Ah uh um." They all stared at me, questioningly. I cleared my throat. "Heyyy what's good?" I took his hand, shaking it a little more aggressive than what I intended to. We let go as a silence followed. 'Oh shit I said something wrong didn't I-'




"A-anyways" I let out a breathe I didn't know I was holding as Anna broke the silence. "Now that your here, Askr is in safe hands!" She exclaimed. I rubbed the back of my head as Alfonse continued. "I'm sorry to ask this of you so soon after we've met, but I have
need of your help," he said, a small frown evident on his face. "Our order is devoted to fighting the Emblian Empire, which invades worlds where Heroes are from. One of these is the World of Mystery. I have dire news. The empire has newly taken over that world. We need to make our way to the World of Mystery to free it."

He turned to face Anna. "And Commander Anna, there's one more thing. I spotted someone odd with the soldiers near here. A strange man. Not an imperial soldier. Nor a Hero from the World of Mystery now under their control." Anna raised her eyebrows. "A strange man, you say? Did he seem allied with the Emblian Empire?"

Alfonse sighed as he rubbed his temples. "I don't know. I've never seen him before. He wears a mask and keeps his face a secret even from them."

"After them!" We all turned to once again meet up with more of these 'Emblian' soldiers. "But now, we must rush into battle. Soldiers approach!" We all nodded at Alfonse's words, preparing for battle.


"Phew, well aren't you a skilled tactician!" Anna said as she wiped the sweat off her face. I shrugged before my eyes locked on a weird figure hidden from plain sight. "There's someone there" I whispered, everyone turning to the direction I was looking at.

"Who are you, stranger?" Anna asked, readying her weapon. She gasped as he emerged from the darkness. "Alfonse, this must be the masked man you saw!"

"You!" Alfonse shouted. "Tell us, are you a soldier in the Emblian Empire? If so, then you stand on the side of evil. The empire shouldn't be entering the worlds of Heroes, let alone conquering them!" He said, gripping his sword tighter with each word.

"Oh, really? And I suppose you want us to close the gateways too?" He scoffed. "In your dreams." With that, he turned around and disappeared into the forest.

"How dare you! Where are you going? Get back here and answer for yourself!" The young prince shouted.

"Damn fellow. He's gone." He sighed as Anna turned to me. "Those gateways he mentioned Y/n..." She sighed once more. "They connect our world to all
those where Heroes live. The royalty of the Askran Kingdom, like Alfonse, have the ability to open these gateways." I made a 'O' with my mouth as she told me the news.

"And the royalty of the Emblian Empire are able to close these gateways." Alfonse stated, gazing at the space the mysterious man was not long ago. "Our two families used to work in harmony to open and close these ways to other worlds. But then Embla began using its power for evil, leaving all of the
gates open. The empire began invading those
worlds. We cannot slam the gates shut. Only they can." Anna gently put her gloved hand on top of his shoulder, as she took on.

"We can fight them, however. That's why we Askrans formed the Order of Heroes, to stop the Emblians." A look of worry then washed her face. "Now, let's hurry to the World of Mystery. The princess has been on a scouting mission. I fear that she may be in danger."

She then turned to the gateway, shouting "To the World of Mystery!" I inhaled a good amount of air, readying myself. 'I guess this is it.' I took a head start, shouting-

"To Narnia!"

And with that, I jumped inside.

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