cнapтer six

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cнrιѕтopнer'ѕ POV

The event is going well. I scan the crowd noticing everyone has a glass of champagne in their hands. Smiling to myself at how well I've progressed in my business to be able to buy this mansion. It isn't the only property I've bought. In the past two years I've bout about five other mansions, two estates and many other apartments. Being a CEO isn't easy and it isn't hard either. After talking to a bunch of people I start to feel exhausted and tense so I head to my study.

On my way there I keep thinking about those hazel eyes. They bothered me, so young, so innocent and so beautiful. Something about her makes me uneasy. I was so lost in my thoughts that I accidentally bumped into someone.  Or did they bump into me? I look down to find out its the damsel from before.

She's in my arms as I prevent her from falling due to the impact of the bump. Her eyes are closed. She has long eye lashes and kissable lips. God she's beautiful. She opens her eyes and looked shocked to see me.

What is she doing here, the party is all the way on the other ѕιde. Is she following me? She leaves my arms and I immediately longed for her to be back. Smoothing out my tux, I take my time to check her out. She is gorgeous from head to toe. Her feminine curves in a beautiful black dress that is slightly slit at the side. Those breast that I didn't fail to notice hardening on our first encounter.

"Are you alright?" I ask. She took a while to answer and I'm thinking she's going to ignore me like she did earlier. "Yes I'm fine, just got a bit lost" the words left her mouth and made me shiver lightly. She has so much effect on me. Taking a deep breath to control my thoughts I look at her. "How old are you?" I ask hoping she isn't as young as I think she is. "Uh I'm um I'm 18" she stammered. I look at her wondering how she can be so young and have such strong effects on me. She stares back at me and I notice her shift uncomfortably.

I'm affecting her too. This can't be. I run my hand through my hair. "A-are you OK?" The angel asks. We'll need to go somewhere private so that I can figure all these out without someone coming to interrupt. "Come with me" I say heading for my study. We get there and she hesitates before getting in. I tell her to sit and she does. The time I talked to her at the event I knew this girl is special. "Would you like a drink?" I offer but she declines. I get up from my seat making my way to her, I turn her chair to face me and my breath hitches when realization dawns on me. "You are so young yet so beautiful" I say absentmindedly.

She stares back at me then starts biting her lip. I can tell she isn't thinking about anything holy. I remove her lip from the abuse she put it in. "You are too young to be thinking about things like that sweetheart, I can tell your thoughts aren't clean" I say and walk back to my seat, not trusting myself to be myself near her. I sit and notice that I'm tense.

I can't be in the same room as her, standing up I head for the door but she stops me. "Wait" she says. I turn around and face her. She looks at me not saying anything then she reaches her hand up to touch my face but I stop her and turn to leave. I don't think I can be near her any longer without wanting to have her.

I needed to get back to the event anyways before people start noticing my absence. Few minutes after joining the event I see her. She's walking towards the exit looking disturbed and with every step she takes I long for her. She goes past the exit and just like that...she's gone.

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