cнapтer seven

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мarιella'ѕ POV

The school bell rings and I close my locker, walking to my class. It's my second week at Crownstar High and I'm already counting down the time I'll leave this goddamned school. Calculus, my first class yayy. I internally groan. Locating the class I entre and take a sit at the back. The teacher is ten minutes late so I use the time of her absence to think back to last week's gala.

How I totally embarrassed myself in front of Christopher. He probably thinks I'm crazy. "Good morning class, today we've got someone new joining us" Mrs Carter says. I look up from what I was doodling on a piece of paper and the breath got knocked out of me. Tall dark and handsome describes the Greek god standing in front of the class.

He's eyes find mine and I look away immediately. What's with me and guys lately? "Well you go take a sit where ever is available" Mrs Cater says to him. I can tell she's affected by his charms too like any other female in the world would. I keep my gaze down as the desk behind me screeches as Tall Dark and Handsome takes his seat. I notice Mrs Carter didn't even ask him to tell us his name and stuff, she probably asked him already on their way here.

The bell rings signaling the end of Calculus which I heard nothing in. "Everybody wait, there's a group assignment I would like all of you to do and hand it in by next week Friday. Its nothing serious but consists of everything I've taught you so I'm going to pair you guys up" Mrs Carter says and got a chorus of groans from the class. The names of the pairs are called out randomly and I sit there waiting for me to get paired so that I won't be late for my next class.

"Mariella and Xavier" I look up. Who the fuck is Xavi- "We are paired" talk dark and handsome says from behind me. I turn around to look at him but quickly turn back feeling my cheeks burn up. He's so cute. "Mariella get yourself together" I say under my breath standing up and going to the door. I stop in my tracks when a hand holds my wrist. I turn to curse the person out for touching me but the words disappear when I see that it's Xavier.

"Did you hear me, I said that we are paired" his deep baritone voice says. "Yeah I know" I reply not meeting his gaze and attempting to pull my wrist from his hold. He releases me as I turn to go to my next class. I don't want to be near him to embarrass myself in front of yet another guy again, nope not happening.

I'm still walking to my next class and I see that Xavier is walking behind me. I krro walking and he's still behind me, I turn to face him. "Are you following me?" I ask trying to sound annoyed but deep down I'm happy that he might be following me. "What?" He asks. "Are you following me?" I repeat. "Nope my next class is chemistry" he says and I wanted the earth to swallow me whole. My next class is chemistry too.

Why would you think he was following you Mariella damn! He softly chuckles behind me as I continue my walk to class with him close behind.
Chemistry class ends and it mostly consisted of me secretly stealing glances at Xavier who sat at the desk besides me. Finally the school bell rings, its after school and I'm dying to get home. Not that I've got something important to do at home, I just don't like school.

Taking my bag I walk to my car. Opening it, I'm about to get in when someone calls my name. Looking at Xavier approach me I wonder what he wants now. Maybe he's actually following you this time. Shut up, I internally have a battle with myself. He stops right in front if me looking ad breath taking ad ever. "Hey, I was thinking maybe you could come over to my place for the project" he says. "Oh yeah um sure where's your place?" I ask. "Fourth Street, I brought my car so you'll just have to follow behind me if that's OK" he says.

"Yup that fine lets get going" I say getting into my car ad he walks over to a black beautiful Cadillac I failed to notice was parked next to me. Great he's rich too. I roll my eyes. Following in tow after his car we drive for a short period of time until we reach a mansion. Not just any mansion but the mansion Mr Jakeson bought from my dad.

I furrow my brows confused. Why's he bringing me here? The gates open and we both drive in. I exit my car admiring the place all over again. It nervet seizes to take my breath away. During the day it's even more beautiful. Xavier gets out of his car and I follow suit. I look at him confused as I near him. "What?" He asks. "You stay here?" I ask. "Yeah, I know its a bit too much but we just got this place, come I'll show you around although no one's home yet" he says opening the door and we enter.

I walk in and notice the familiar two staircases leading to the second floor.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2021 ⏰

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