Sadie POV:

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As I stepped out of the portal, anxiety washed through me.

What if he doesn't want to see me?  If he did the whole thing for himself instead of me? To help himself get over me?

I walked through the door, knowing I wasn't ready, but I did it anyway.

My Dad/ Osiris was sitting on his throne, looking peaceful, thinking. He wasn't alone, the judges we saved from Sunny Acres were there as well, talking. They were probably taking a break.

"Hello everyone! " I said, and all eyes looked at me.

"Sadie dear!" my dad said, then walked over to hug me. "Hello! What brings you here?" he asked, looking suspicious for a moment.

"What doesn't?" I grumbled. "Mom?" I asked.

"She took a trip through the Duat." he answered, and my eyebrows shot up.


"She said she wanted to take in the sights." he said while shrugging his shoulders, not knowing the reason either.

"Anyone else you expected to see?" he asked, and I rolled my eyes.

"You are too subtle." I laughed.

"But yes. I don't mind if I had the chance to talk to him." I added, and he nodded grimly.

"I know it's none of my business, but the two of you have a torturous situation" He sighed.

I looked down, but he continued.

"You two can't really live without each other, and yet, you are forbidden to be together..." he said.

"You're telling me" I mumbled, pointing at the fact that if anyone, I know about that the best.

"I saw him while you knew nothing about him you know. He was lost. And yet, relaxed." he muttered.

He took a deep breath and said:

"He is working in that room" and pointed at the biggest door that led out of the room.

I nodded, trying to control my breathing. Then I walked towards the exit he showed me.

As I placed my hand on the doorknob, I looked at my dad, looking for reassurance.

He nodded slightly, and I opened the door.

Inside was Anubis, who didn't hear me enter.

He was bending over a desk, concentrating on whatever he was doing.

"Hi" I said, but the sound came out of me much squeakier than intended it to be.

He looked up at me, and when he processes the fact that I was there he stood up and walked over.

"What are you doing here?" he asked in a repressed voice, only a few steps from me.

Somehow I couldn't find it myself to be angry. All I felt was sadness and empathy.

"That is not a nice way to say hi" I noted, and he regained control over himself again.

"Hello" he rephrased, but was still curious about my reason to be here.

He looked like a lost puppy. He didn't know what to do, not knowing where the boundaries were.

I solved it for him.

I slowly closed the few steps between us, and gave him a tight hug. I felt him relax in my embrace.

"You are such an idiot" I huffed into his chest, and felt him let out a weak chuckle.

As I was holding him close, I felt his amber and cobalt scent take over my senses.

Then silence.

He slowly placed his hand around my waist, returning my gesture.

There was nothing left to say.

I knew he regretted doing what he did, and I was angry about it for too long to be able to rub it in his face. And I had no intention of doing so.

"I love you" he whispered, and I looked up at him.

His face was tortured, tired and yet affectionate. He knew this whole thing was wrong, that the two of us shouldn't be together, that we should stay as far apart as possible. But he said it again anyway.

The words haven't lost their ability to fascinate me, to make me wonder whether I'm dreaming this whole thing.

"I know." I said, and gave him a light kiss on his lips. He let out a weak smile.

"Do you want to sit?" he asked, and I nodded.

"What's with Percy?" he questioned me in a gentle tone.

"He..." my voice betrayed me. "He is there."

"Why did you leave?" he asked, still using a soft voice.

"He didn't tell me about you." I told him in a simple voice, and his eyebrows shot up.

"That's why you left?!" he exclaimed.

"Oh, come on! Tell me you wouldn't have done the same if you had been in my shoes!" I asked, and he looked down. I froze inside.

He wouldn't have left?

I couldn't breathe as he opened his mouth to respond.



Sorry for taking this much time to update.

Comments appreciated.



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