Leaving Leviathan

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Most twelve year old's get excited when they're strong enough to carry two chairs instead of one for their teacher or when they help their parents move boxes, but not me. Even though I'm only twelve years old, after all of my training i learned how to easily take down a guy three times my size no matter the situation or species.

To be fair though most twelve year old's aren't part of a family of agents working for a secret organization like mine are. My name is Mieczyslaw Stilinski but i prefer Stiles, I've been training since i was old enough to walk, my parents both work for the same agency and they wanted me to grow up helping people just like they do.

I was raised as a soldier, i know how to use basically every weapon known to man kind, guns, bows, knives, anything, you name it and my personal favorites are knives. There are so many different types of knives, different shapes, different sizes, i always found that i was a natural when it came to throwing or even close combat with knives.

I also know every strategy to take someone down no matter their size, i learned most fighting styles, i had the best self defense training and an even better offence training. My parents always loved me and cared for me, they made sure i knew that but they also made sure i was well trained and that i could not only defend myself, but that i could help everyone else too. No matter the cost of training, the way we do.

It still has it's advantages, i know the truth about things that are only real in people's nightmares and even better, i know how to kill them. I don't work for any normal agency. There's a reason this specific facility is a secret, we specialize in taking down supernatural creatures that are causing trouble in the world.

We also help the ones who need it, the ones who have never nor would ever want to hurt people. There are actually quite a few supernatural creatures working with us in the organization. With this job, I have killed more than most people could even think possible, even at such a young age, but hey it's all in a days work at Leviathan.

Another advantage is that i learned how to handle pain worse than you can ever imagine. It was the worst part of my training when i had to actually do it because the only way to get me used to it was to torture me ALOT, but i came out the other side and i was stronger for it the only downside now is all the scars i have covering my body.

It definitely made a lot of things easier i barely felt pain anymore and when i did i could mask it perfectly, it really came in handy when i got my tattoos. The first one i got when i was 8, every recruit gets it after their first successful mission it's kind of like a 'company logo' you could say.

I actually have two tattoos, the second one i got was more for practical use i didn't like the necklace i had to wear with an anti-possession charm so i just got the sigil tattooed on my chest. It was a lot easier to handle and this way nobody could take the necklace and i couldn't lose it.

I got the idea from a pair of hunters i worked with on a few cases when our paths crossed, except mine is a little fancier and colourful they rolled their eyes at me when i showed them the next time i saw them. I still think about their car sometimes, that 1967 impala was a thing of beauty.

Stiles' tattoos: (these are the ones he currently has as a 12 year old but he's gonna have a lot more later)
Leviathan symbol on his shoulder

Stiles' tattoos: (these are the ones he currently has as a 12 year old but he's gonna have a lot more later)Leviathan symbol on his shoulder

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Anti possession sigil on his chest (not over his heart, the other side of his chest)

I was known as one of the best agents in the entire place but all of that changed on our last mission, the last one i ever went on as a leviathan

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I was known as one of the best agents in the entire place but all of that changed on our last mission, the last one i ever went on as a leviathan. This was a standard case so they only sent me and my parents, it was just a simple vamps nest no more than 5 of them.

At least that's what we thought, but when we got there, there was at least 15 of them, we went on normally anyways. As i cut the head off what i thought was the last one i saw something jump at my mom "NO!"

I ran to her and quickly sliced the vamps head off but when i looked down, i realized that it was too late "DAD! No, no, no mom please" i was taught to hide my emotions like a pro but i couldn't handle seeing my mom like this.

The vamp had bit her neck and she was bleeding A LOT, i was trying to stop it but nothing was working. I looked at her face and she was just smiling at me "it's okay baby, it's okay don't cry, you'll be alright i promise" "no mom please" "Claudia!" i heard someone scream from behind me.

I turned around "dad, thank god please help, the bleeding won't stop" "Noah listen to me. You need to leave Leviathan just like we talked about don't let Stiles lose the both of us. Let him be a normal teenager for now and then he can choose whether or not he wants to become a hunter. But until then he needs you okay, promise me?"

"No don't talk like that mom we're gonna get you help" Noah put his hand on his sons shoulder "i promise" she smiled "i love you both so much" and with that she took her last breath "mom?" I desperately checked for a pulse but couldn't find one "she's gone son"

I looked back at my dad and shook my head not wanting to believe him. My dad pulled me into a tight hug and after cleaning up the scene we took my moms body and left back to the car. When we got back, we gave my mom a hunters funeral because that's what she wanted, she wanted to make sure there was no way one of us would bring her back. After that my dad did exactly what my mom asked, we left Leviathan and went to a place called Beacon hills to start new lives.

We kept our same names but the organization helped us hide from the enemies we made throughout the years. The house we stayed in was even owned by Leviathan they knew that even though we were leaving that we would still need to protect ourselves.

It was a safe house made for retired agents, there were only a few of them around America since they were specifically for agents who retired early and would still need to be protected. They recruited a hunter to help them build the basement to the place, an agent who worked with him saw his panic room and was impressed, especially when he said he made it when he had a weekend off.

The basement was well hidden the only door being in what soon became my room and it looked like a normal part of the wall so that no one would suspect it, the door opened with a hidden button which i thought was awesome. It was completely lined with iron and coated in salt to keep away spirits and demons, there was also a huge devil's trap on the ceiling for extra protection against demons.

Every warding sigil in the book was somewhere on the walls, demon, spirit, monster and angel warding. When i first saw it i was dumbstruck, it was huge and it was the perfect place to make into a training room. I wanted to continue my training, i got so used to the same routine my entire life that i needed to keep up with it and after i lived a normal life for a while like my mom asked, i was going to start hunting again, i always loved helping people and i didn't want to stop.

My dad supported me and even helped me set up the entire place, the gym equipment, the targets and sound proofing for weapon practice, the desk for research and anything i needed to not forget my skills.

There was a compartment in the wall to store weapons which is exactly what i did with it, i put all the weapons we had collected into it and organized it exactly how i wanted it. I even had holy water, goofer dust, dead mans blood and an EMF reader, all the essentials.

This was gonna be perfect for training, we were gonna make the most of our situation and for now i was gonna do exactly what my mom wanted and become a normal teenager... at least that's what i was planning to do.

stronger than you think // Stiles StilinskiWhere stories live. Discover now