Old Friend?

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Quick A/N: The picture above is what Jesse looks like, we're just gonna pretend he has a big scar on his face and for all my fellow SPN fans, this character is taken from that show. His name was Jesse Turner, he was introduced as a very powerful being in season five and then obviously since it's SPN he was never heard of again. I didn't like what they did with the character so i decided to give him a story for what happened after that episode by putting him in here, don't worry none SPN watchers i do explain some of his backstory here so yeah, back to the story i guess, have fun. Also his name is pronounced Jess-ee, so when i type Jess it's a shortened version k? k.

"Stiles don't, he's not human i don't think he's a shapeshifter of any sort but there's definitely something wrong" the younger of the two however wasn't really listening to what his alpha was telling him and decided to step forward anyway and start talking "I'd recognize that scar from a mile away, i thought i told you i never wanted to see your face again Turner" he said angrily and the rest of the pack were now on high alert. "Stilinski" he replied simply...

He smirked as he saw Stiles come closer "i thought you realized a long time ago that you couldn't tell me what to do" he said which made Stiles sigh "will i never be rid of you?" he returned angrily but to the packs surprise they both broke out into huge smiles "oh come on you know you couldn't get rid of me if you tried" Stiles laughed and pulled the other into a huge bear hug.

They both laughed a little as they pulled away and saw the confusion on the rest of the packs faces "guys this is Jesse Turner, he was my best friend before i moved here" Jesse waved at them making Stiles roll his eyes "Jesse this is Scott, Ethan, Aiden, Lydia, Allison, Isaac and Derek" he said, pointing to each person as he said their names "if he was your best friend how come we've never heard of him before" Isaac asked confused.

"In case you guys haven't noticed i don't talk about my life before Beacon Hills there's a reason for that and it's not about to change, but yeah Jesse was my closest friend, we lived next to each other and even shared a dog named Oreo" most of that was true, they did live next to each other seeing as their rooms were side by side in Leviathan but they didn't actually share a dog together. Oreo was always a codeword between them that told Jesse that he needed to use his powers and read Stiles' mind in the moment.

As kids they mostly used it so that they could talk and scheme without any adults hearing but right now Jesse recognized the codeword and Stiles took the chance to tell him not to mention a single thing about his past because no one knows. Derek spoke up next, sounding slightly angry for some reason "alright that explains how you know each other but you still haven't told us why you're here and how you knew to use that to lure us here" he finished by pointing at the device in the younger ones hands.

At those words Jesse turned more serious, he changed from his happy and excited demeanor to a much more business like one "right well i came to Beacon Hills because all the vampire killings caught the attention of the organization i work for, we were able to figure out where they were going and i was sent to lend a hand but by the time i got here you had already taken care of them. I brought you here because your pack has been on our radar for a while now, we've seen the good you do and my superiors wanted me to come and try to recruit you"

Stiles tried to hold back a slight laugh because of his friends weird authoritative tone "recruit us?" Scott asked confused and Jesse nodded "i work for a secret organization called Leviathan, we have a rather large operation with humans and supernatural beings working with us to stop all the creatures who chose to use their abilities to hurt people instead of help them since normal law enforcement aren't equipped to" he explains.

Derek, still being angry for whatever reason decided to ask the next question "and if we say no?" Jesse continued, not acknowledging his hostility "then i go back home and we don't bother you again unless necessary, your pack is not a danger to anyone in fact you are just the opposite. You all help people and protect this town, we want you to join us because you would all be great assets and instead of just helping people here you could help them all across America" 

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