Coming Out

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Stiles was worried now, almost all of his friends had good reactions to his confession. They all hugged him and told him they supported him, he even got a wink from Lydia and a quiet "i'm proud of you". Scott was a little upset that he had told Lydia before him but he understood and made sure Stiles knew that he was always going to be his brother no matter what happened.

He couldn't have asked for a better reaction except for one thing, when Stiles finally came out he heard someone get up from next to him and leave. Derek had gone upstairs, leaving him with nothing but a simple "i'm going to take a shower" He was about to stop him but that was when everyone else started talking.

They talked a little more about it since the pack had some questions and Stiles was happy to answer them, he talked about how he figured it out, his first guy crush, his past dating experiences which just about all of them came as a surprise to his friends.

Allison was actually the one to ask the question "So wait, have you actually dated another guy after Jesse that we don't know about?" he was a little hesitant at first, rubbing the back of his neck but decided to answer "well i'm pretty sure only Scott knows about this but before you moved here Ally i had a girlfriend, that didn't exactly end well so i kind of stayed away from dating after that. Well nothing serious at least, just a few experiences that never went anywhere and didn't escalate much beyond kissing and a few other things"

He finished with a smirk and a wink, laughing when Scott gagged and pretended to throw up. While they were talking they heard a key turning in the lock and Stiles looked at Jesse scared. He didn't have to read his mind to figure out his reaction, he closed his eyes to focus his powers and went into everyone's minds "sorry guys, i don't normally do this without permission but Noah doesn't know about Stiles so keep it quiet"

He said it to Stiles as well because it was easier than controlling it fully, when he turned to him he got a greatful smile and a nod in reply. They all fell silent as they watched the door open slowly, Stiles and Jesse waiting in anticipation until the older man realized who was here. He closed the door behind him, taking off his shoes slowly and Stiles started to get impatient.

"Hey dad, look who's here" he finally said, the sheriff looked back at his son, thinking he would just find a pack member or something but he never expected who he actually saw sitting on his couch. He walked into the room slowly and hesitantly, almost like he didn't fully believe this was real "Jess, is that really you kid?"

His question was full of confusion and curiosity but at the same time, it was obvious how much hope the short sentence held. At first the young cambion just nodded, not entirely sure how he would react but when he saw the big grin on his father figures face he lit up and jumped off the couch to hug him.

Noah hugged back tightly, not believing he was actually seeing the kid he had missed so much again after so many years, altough they were both trained to hide their emotions they couldn't help the few stray tears that escaped their eyes. "I missed you kid" the sheriff finally said with a small laugh once they reluctantly let go of eachother.

He gave him a soft smile in return "i missed you too old man" he said with a smirk which earned him a light and playful smack in return from the older man. They spent the next hour or so catching up and just talking until they realized how late it had gotten, the sheriff had work early in the morning and needed some sleep so the pack said their goodbyes and left with a promise of coming back the next day.

Jesse was planning on sleeping over so that he could spend a little more time with them before he left the next day, his bosses told him it was fine and he deserved a few days of rest. Jesse and Stiles were planning on sleeping in the same bed just like when they were kids but while Jesse fell fast asleep quickly Stiles just kept twisting and turning, something was keeping him up and he couldn't stop thinking about it or rather him.

He had enough and decided to just get up and talk to the alpha in the other room, he couldn't stop remembering his reaction when he came out. He's terrified to lose him again after they had finally gotten close again, especially when he was starting to fall deeper in love with him. After their shared kiss almost three months ago Stiles thought that Derek might be at least a little gay but maybe he was wrong, maybe he had read too much into the situation as he normally does, either way he had to talk to him.

He got to his door and knocked lightly, opening it when he heard a short answer from the older werewolf. He stopped and stood in the doorway awkwardly until Derek looked up from the book he was reading and asked him a question "everything okay Stiles?" he asks quietly since it's so late, real concern in his voice which gives the younger of the two some hope. He replied with a cryptic "not really" Derek answered by putting his book down and gave Stiles a look so he could continue.

He decided to close the door but still stood awkwardly in the middle of the room, he took a deep breath and just blurted out the question that's been eating at his brain for hours "do you hate me now that i came out because you looked a little mad and you kind of just ran upst-" his rambling was cut off by the older werewolf calling his name, he looked up to see him with a smile that months ago would surprise or even scare him but he felt nothing but relief seeing the familiar look on his Sourwolf's face.

"Stiles i could never hate you" he said softly before continuing "i left because i didn't know if you wanted the rest of the pack to know what happened between us or that i knew, that's why i probably looked angry i didn't want my face to show anything that would give it away" he lied smoothly, if Stiles wasn't so desperate to believe him he probably would have realized the obvious deception but at the moment he just sighed happily.

He let out a small laugh before replying "good because i couldnt sleep and i was really worried about you while you were gone" Derek laughs softly before lifting the cover a little and giving Stiles a knowing look, he smiled at him before climbing into bed next to the werewolf. Anyone else would find this weird or out of the ordinary but they felt completely normal while doing this, for the last few moths since Derek had moved in this had become a habit of theirs.

It all started one night when Stiles was having a particularly bad nightmare and woke up screaming, Derek got into bed with him and hugged him to calm him down. They held eachother that night until they both fell asleep, Stiles didn't have another bad dream that night and afterwards one of them would get up at night after the sheriff went to sleep and go to the others room to sleep. Until now they never actually mentioned it, but they both always had the best sleep when they were in eachothers arms.

They always held eachother close during the night and even cuddled even though neither of them talked about it and they never did anything more. Tonight was different though, Derek pulled Stiles closer than he normally did and started to smell him, when he did he frowned and started rubbing his face into his neck. Now Stiles wasn't complaining, it felt kind of good but he was super confused "what are you doing Der?" he asked a little out of breath.

"You smell like him, i don't like it" he started but quickly caught himself "because he's not pack, you shouldn't smell like someone who isn't pack" he lied again "i'm scenting you, so you smell like me again" since they were always together, Stiles normally smelled like Derek and he didn't like the fact that his scent was being covered. "Oh okay" he replied casually, he was honestly used to all of this weirdness after being around werewolves for so long. 

"It's probably because i hugged Jess plus he was sleeping next to me before i came in here" he explained, he heard a low growl coming from Derek and smiled at the idea that he might be jealous but he quickly dropped that thought since he didn't think Derek could actually like him like that. In reality Derek really was jealous, he hated the idea that Stiles not only smelled like someone else but that he smelled like his ex.

Even though they were young, that was the only thing that Derek could think about when he saw them together. That was the whole reason that he ran away in the first place was because he couldn't bare the thought of someone else kissing Stiles, his Stiles even if it was years ago. Altough he may not always show it and he's made some stupid mistakes he thought were for the best, he really is falling for the boy in his arms, his Stiles...his mate.

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