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A/N listen guys i know these two really can't catch a break but i suck at filler chapters so y'all are gonna have to deal with it lmao. prepare for angst, angst and more angst.

it took over two months for Stiles to finally change the way he saw relationships and understand that Derek would never be like his ex. in those two months he started walking around the house and sleeping without a shirt on more and more, like he used to before Derek moved in. it made it harder for them to keep their hands off each other but they were closer than ever before, even if Derek still didn't know the truth behind what he saw.

Stiles was back in school now for his senior year which meant that they didn't see each other as much but it didn't change anything for the two, at least that's what Stiles thought. he came home after a bad day, just wanting to cuddle into his boyfriend's arms and forget everything that happened.

coach was yelling at him more than usual, him and Scott got into a fight because he had a hickey on his neck and refused to tell the alpha who he got it from and to top it all off he had two pop quizzes, two! he was going straight upstairs since his dad's cruiser wasn't in the drive way but stopped suddenly when he heard noises coming from Derek's room.

at first he thought about grabbing his gun but then he heard what sounded like giggling, his heart stopped when he realised it was a woman's voice coming from his boyfriends room. he walked slowly so that he wouldn't be heard and creaked the door open only to have his heart shatter at the sight, the alpha was shirtless and on top of a shirtless woman, kissing her neck.

"Der?" he asked, though it was barely above a whisper as he feared his voice breaking if he was any louder. the older wolf stopped what he was doing at the sound and looked back at him, not an ounce of guilt on his features "i thought you had lacrosse practice today?" he asked, shocked to see his boyfriend standing there "i left early because i wanted to see you" he replied.

he looked between them for a second, the girl looking smug with a smirk on her face and Derek looking annoyed that they were interrupted "what the fuck is going on here?" he asked, hoping to every god out there that maybe it was a misunderstanding "look Sti-" he was cut off immediately "don't call me that" he sighed before continuing "Stiles, i just couldn't wait another two months without sex. i'm sure you understand, i still love you i just needed some release because i was stressed out"

he was so confused about everything he was hearing "you could have come to me if you needed release i-" he was cut off by his boyfriend laughing, he was actually laughing right now "what the fuck is so funny about this Derek" he asked, now really starting to get pissed off "what could you have possibly done to help, give me another fucking blow job. please, i needed real sex and i knew you wouldn't give that to me, you practically pushed me into doing this"

he's heard these exact words before dozens of times but he never expected them to come from Derek "what the fuck did you just say to me?" the alpha rolled his eyes but before he could continue Stiles was shouting again, any ounce of hurt in his body gone and replaced by anger "you were the one who said we couldn't have sex you asshole, you stopped me and now you have the audacity to blame me because you decided to fuck some random bitch you found. no Derek i will not let you get into my head like Rachel did, we're done. i am not gonna stay with you like i did her, you will stay in this house because i don't need my dad asking questions but let's be clear, we are not together, we are not friends, i don't even want to hear your voice from now on. if you so much as look in my direction, so help me Derek i don't know what i'll do"

he scoffed and let out a bitter laugh "and to think i actually loved you, you selfish dick" he looked back at Derek at those final words, hoping for some type of reaction. he saw him blink repeatedly and pinch the top of his nose with his fingers as if a headache was coming along, he just shook his head and left.

stronger than you think // Stiles StilinskiWhere stories live. Discover now