OT8- Pack Mates(2)

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Word Count- 2,657



The whole room was reeking of sex when Minho and Seungmin entered the room the next afternoon. As expected, they had found both Hyunjin and Chan passed out on the bed. It was of no amusement that Hyunjin's body was covered with a duvet, typical Chan. He couldn't have left Hyunjin naked in cold even if he was in half dead state after his rut. Chan's ruts were more dangerous than the usual. It seems like he always gets possessed by a beast or a demon during his ruts. Both of them looked like corpses lying on the bed with exhaustion.

"I will take Hyunjin hyung back to his room. You can take care of Chan Hyung." Seungmin suggested, moving towards the thin boy to pick him up and take him back to the room where Felix was waiting for them with his potion that would help Hyunjin heal faster as the other had no strength left to heal himself. The Alpha just nodded, kneeling next to Chan's bedside drawer to take out a washcloth.

Seungmin frowned as he pulled down the blanket that Hyunjin was covered in. He could see how hard the leader was on Hyunjin for the last 24 hours. The Luna's body was full of painful bruise, Chan's handprints and dried blood where The Blood Alpha had bitten mercilessly. The Beta sighed before wrapping his arms around Hyunjin gently and picking him up bridal style.

"Chan hyung's rut was stronger because of the moon this time." Changbin commented. He was standing at the doorstep and had came to help Minho with Chan.
"It is visible." Minho hummed, agreeing to Changbin after looking at an unconscious Hyunjin in the arms of Seungmin.
"Don't worry. He will get better in no time." Seungmin said, trying to cheer up the mood. He felt bad himself for Hyunjin but nothing could be done.

Minho and Changbin nodded before Seungmin smiled and walked out of the room, carrying Hyunjin to the Luna's room.
"This Hyung." Minho said, shaking his head.
"He is going to wake up guilty." Changbin replied, picking up another washcloth. He dipped it inside the bowl of the warm water before starting to wipe Chan's chest carefully.

"And do it all over again three months later." Minho added as a chuckle left his mouth, referring to Chan's rut. Changbin grinned and shrugged. It wasn't that they were being insensitive for Hyunjin's condition. It is just that it has always been this way. They knew their Luna was stronger than some of the Alphas in the pack. He will overcome it in no time especially with Felix's potion which never failed.

Changbin smiled before leaning down and leaving a gentle kiss on Chan's forehead. It wasn't his fault that his ruts were stronger than the other. He was born this way. The elder always took care of them and was ready to risk his life for the pack. He deserved the love and care from his mates too. They were grateful to have him.

Meanwhile on the other side, Hyunjin was sobbing in pain as he had to be woken up to drink Felix's potion.
"Hyung, just one more sip." Felix encouraged, his heart breaking to see the elder like that. All seven of them were able to feel a tint of Hyunjin's pain as well. However, it was too feeble, considering the Luna always blocked the passage with his powers whenever he felt pain. He didn't want anyone else to feel it at all, especially Chan since he was in sensitive condition too.

Hyunjin scrunched his eyes close as he took another gulp of the potion. His throat was killing him after screaming for hours. His lips were bruised as well from the left side, even Chan's kisses were painful last night.
"Will he be able to sleep in this much pain?" Seungmin asked, walking to stand beside Felix who was kneeling next to Hyunjin.

"Don't worry. I mixed sleeping pills in the potion. Also, he is exhausted already." Felix replied confidently. Both the mates sighed internally in relief as Hyunjin's cries died down and his eyes started to close slowly. Felix moved quickly to fic Hyunjin's pillow and cover him with a blanket. He had decided to clean the elder later after he had gotten enough sleep.

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