2Min- Mates(1)

36.6K 579 264

Top-  Minho

Bottom- Seungmin

Word Count- 3554

Requested by- strxyski

I hope you like it. Do tell me if you want to have something changed. I don't think that it's amazing but I hope you will find it fine.


Seungmin huffed after he boarded the almost empty bus which would lead him back to some city area, finally saving himself from the thunderstorm. He shook his head in frustration while sitting on the last third seat which he thought was at a safe distance from the Alpha sitting in the very front; it was 10 at night and there was nothing he could do help himself out of the situation. He pulled his wet jacket close to himself, wanting to cry while thinking about what has happened and what was he supposed to do. His mind was foggy and he just wanted to slip in his little space but couldn't, since he was out in public and also that he was alone.

Kim Seungmin, 20, orphaned Omega, came on a hiking trip with his college team but somehow, he lost his way and found himself left behind on the field all alone. His lips quivered as images of the empty field came into his mind. He just wanted to go back and be safe at his home. Being a male Omega isn't easy in the world. It was too risky for him to be out alone at night. Anything could happen to him. To make it worse, his food and water supplies were almost over and he only had a few bills in his pocket to help him survive.

The boy scrunched his eyes close, regretting his decision of coming on this trip with all strangers. He should've stayed back at his dorms. At least he would be safe and secure there. His body shivered at the thoughts of filthy alphas who wouldn't think even for a second before touching him. He has never felt worse about not having a mate ever before. He was happy and content in his alone bubble that he has around himself since the beginning.

Seungmin never liked the idea of suddenly finding a mate at eighteen and being happy ever after. It just seemed too much fairy like to him, based upon how he has lived his life so far. He was brought up in an orphanage which was funded by the local government. He worked hard for a scholarship and got into a good college where he could learn Biology and Medicines to become a doctor and live a good life.

You can already tell that he wasn't like the usual fuck up twenty years old. He was very quiet and disciplined person. Growing up alone, he had learnt to do everything on his own, from doing laundry to doing multiple jobs in a day, he has done everything. He liked to work hard and wanted to stay focus that's why he didn't even try to make friends except on. He had his roommate, Changbin, 21 years old Alpha who wasn't like any other Alpha. He was mated to a Beta named Felix and was loyal to him. Seungmin felt safe with him even if he was an Alpha. The older always made him feel comfortable and took care of him like a protective brother. Changbin even takes care of his errands whenever he needs to study for exams. He was grateful to have such a supporting and amazing person in his life.

Seungmin wanted to call him so bad but his phone was out of battery and he couldn't call the other until he reaches the city area which would take him at least five hours. He just wanted to curl up and bawl out, feeling vulnerable and helpless from all sides. He had to spend four straight hours in rain and wait for a bus which made him was hungry but he didn't want to eat because eating in a moving bus always makes him nauseous. He was already soaking wet, getting sick was the last thing he wanted.

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