Woman Up and ask her hiro

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Hiro Pov

'This is it Baymax" i said while looking at gogo at her station " its now or never, wish me luck"

"Good luck hiro" baymax said "i am here if you need me"

"thanks baymax"i replied "here we go" as i barged out of my door and walk over to her station my heart was beating out my chest i was really nervous she would reject me and break my heart but its better to know than to not know and keed stumbling in the dark.

gogo pov

as i was working on my bike chewing my gum, i heard foot steps coming closer and closer. they did not sound as heavy as freds, wasabi or honey lemon, they sound light that means only one person...... hiro. hiro whenever he is near me or i hear his name i get butterflys in my stomach and my hearts start to flutter, i think i like him, i think i like that young man with black hair and bigh adorble brown eyes and big rosey cheakes. no gogo this is not you your hard core chick that takes no crap from anyone not some giddy school girl that......

"gogo" hiro said ' are you there"

"oh sorry" I said while i had a red tint on my cheacks

"that ok" he replied with a red tint on his cheacks on his face same as me. after a few minutes of awkward silence, i spoke up

"so what you need hiro" i aske

"oh i was going to ask you something" he replied

"shoot" i replied

"ok um gogo would you please let me........" he said

'what" i replied

"........ borrow your socket set please"

"thats it" i replied " where is yours"

" i kind of left at home by mistake" he repiled

" you nerd, here" i said while giving him my socket set "thanks" he replied  rushed off before i could say bye.

Hiro Pov

i ran back into my office, tadashi old office. as soon i entered slammed the door close and place the socket set on the table and sat down and facedpamed on the table. just then baymax kick in and scaned me " hiro i can see your blood has elevaed and norepinephrine,serotonin and neropeptied y has also risen, diagnose: stress"

" thank you for point out the obvious baymax" i replied i  a harsh voice he just look at me and gave me a blank stare.

i sighed " i am sorry baymax for snaping at you" i said " i just wish tadashi was here"

"tadashi is here" baymax replied, just then his chest came to life with a viedo of tadashi

"hey little bro" tadashi said " right now your in the garage working on your mircobots, so i have snuck up here to recored these message so they can help you through your teen year if something happends to me, these messages will help with life been a teen and beyond, these message will play when you need them and looks like you need help and let me guess it involes...... gogo. now dont lie i have seen the way you look at her she looks at you so i am here to help you. dont worry this not going to be a birds and bee talk that is another time, back to the topic. you want to ask her on a date, dont worry all guys have that problem trying to ask there girl out so here is 3 tips. one do not i say do not lisen to fred or wasabi they will mess it up, two woman up and ask her before its too late, third but most important BE YOUR SELF ok, girls love that. well that all good luck hiro and i will see you soon" 

the vido ends and i have a tear in my eye i hug baymax, " thank you baymax" i say after the hug i say to him " here we go" i grab the socket set and walk to the door i look at baymax one more time " wish me luck"

as i exit the door my brother words are still in my head " BE YOUR SELF" I walked up to gogo who was still chewing on her gum she did not realise i was there till cleared my throat.

"oh hi hiro... hi, are you done with my socket set that was fast" she replied

i gave her socket set back "Yeah........ that was not the only thing was in my mind" i said

"oh" she replied, just then more my brother words entered my mind "woman up and ask her before it to late"

"gogo" i said " can i please take you......... on a date friday night" i shutted in fear wait for a punch or rejection but there was none. i turn around and look at gogo she had a jaw open and looking at me this was not good

"if you dont want to....." i was interruped by her kissing me on the lip in front of everyone. as she stop kissing with her arms round my neak she said " i was wait for you to ask me ,hows about movie and dinner" "done" i replied "i will pick you up at 8?" 

"sure" she replied, she kiss me one more time " hey i have to get back to work but i will see you later ok"

"sure" i said in a dazed way and walked back to my office, i just realised there was something in my mouth....


Hey guys Caleb here and its sunday so here is a new chapter, i know its not a new chapter of broken man series but dont worry i just want to put some new hirogo up beacasue i love that ship to so yeah, i put a new uni chapter up 2morrow so dont worry

that is all, i love you all and enjoy

Peace out


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