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Blake POV

I pulled myself back together after realizing I had just met someone I don't think I could not have in my life. Being the stubborn person I am, I decided that because of this feeling, I couldn't have him in my life. In that bathroom I made a deal with myself to not fall for him. I couldn't love him. This could not happen between us.

I walked back to the hangout area backstage, and first thing I noticed was Blair and Christian a little close on the couch talking, laughing, cuddling.

I knew she was over there dying inside but she looked like she was managing to not act all crazy.

Damn. This was gonna be harder than I thought.

I turned back around to see Mitchel on the stage just staring off into space. Probably getting his mindset right for the gig. I caught myself staring a little too long and I think he knew this as well. I saw a little eyebrow perk and small smirk form on his face as he turned towards me.

I turned quickly with my back now facing him, I leaned on the bar ledge pulling my phone out to distract myself and play this little incident off well.

I could feel him very close behind me, his hand moving a piece of hair behind my ear to whisper in my ear

"You can take a picture next time and keep it forever so you don't have to stare" I just knew he had the biggest smile on his face.

I thought of taking the bitchy move, "Wasn't picture worthy enough, the stare was even giving you a little more than needed" leaning into him to whisper back in his ear.

Without letting this get to far, I left him and walked to grab Blair to save myself.

"Hey baby" she spoke to me

"Hey you wanna grab a drink to let them get setup? It's 6:30." I questioned giving her the look that we both created a long time ago to notify each other secretly that we needed saving.

As much as I knew she didn't wanna move, she understood. She looked over to Christian whispering something in his ear making him laugh. As she rose I took her arm making us walk out together. I turned over my shoulder to see Mitchel staring again and to tease him, I winked.

That smirk of his was gonna kill me.

"Dude what?" She expressed concern, "I was getting somewhere with Kras."

I looked at her with confusion "That's his nickname. He told me I could call him that" Imagine the emoji with the hearts circling around it, that was Blair in this moment.

"I needed to get away from Mitchel." I sighed.

She looked at me with raised eyebrows. "Why in the fuck would you do that?"

She questioned really confused. "I can't explain it B." I looked down signaling I was really worked up about this.

She noticed and walked away from me. Not 2 seconds later she came back with 2 shots.

She handed me one, "Let's just have fun tonight, okay?" I formed a big smile on my face letting her know I was so down. "To fun."

We both raised the shot glasses up and back down, then downed them, and with that Blair let out a holler and I knew she was having the best night she could possibly have.

It was now 7 which meant it was concert time. We had been given reserved spots right in front of the stage off to the side so we weren't completely in the sight of all the other fans.

But guess who was in perfect view, Mitchel Cave.

It's as if he purposely got us those spots just so that he and I could have perfect visibility of each other.

The mic squeaked, "Hi we're Chase Atlantic and we're gonna start the night off with 'Into It'."

I knew this song all too well. Blair played it non-stop, everywhere. It was her personal favorite.

She crazed every single time Christian's verse was played as if she was listening to it for the first time.

The music started and Mitchel was singing and he sings "Says she wanna fuck me later girl, I'm Into It" and turns to me smiling, to piss him off I rolled my eyes at him, making him smile even more.

They play about 5 songs and the last one was 'Okay' which is one of my favorites just because it's fun and upbeat.

Some dude came up to Blair and I and told us to follow him, and it looked like we were headed back to the hangout area.

The boys were still on the stage finishing up. Clinton was the first off the stage, he was taller than both Christian and Mitchel but he was very different from them. He was really quiet and kept to himself which I kinda liked. To follow him was Christian, he walked right over to Blair and picked her up swinging her around.

This was moving quickly and nicely I thought to myself, laughing, because we both never even expected this to turn out this way.

Lastly was Mitchel who was so determined to get with me. He walked up to me reaching his hand out to grab that piece of hair always in my face, and move it behind my ear.

But before he could do that I caught his hand mid-reach. This surprised him, causing him to look me up and down taking in my full body and outfit. I smiled at him in a condescending way letting go of his hand next to his body.

He looks back up to meet my eyes, "So this is how we're gonna play?" He smirked coming even closer to me.

I didn't know what to do, I was telling myself no, but my body wasn't responding. He came too close to my lips acting like he was going to kiss me, but swiping right past me to reach my ear.

His hand reaching the small of my back bringing me closer to his body. My body was pressed right against his and I could feel the heat radiating off of him from the performance he just gave.

"Game on." He whispered with such confidence.

He lets go abruptly as I felt my body not wanting to get off of his.

He walks away from me to the bar and grabs a beer. 

He turns around looking at everyone, "Who wants to go party?" He looks around taking a swig.

Everyone chimes in agreeing to his idea. But all I could think was, God please help me.


Hey guys, this is moving along slowly I know but don't give up on me. I'm trying to make sure I can add in as much detail as I possibly can. Remember comment anything you want me to know or any thoughts you have and vote!!

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