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Blake POV

Instead of wasting my perfectly fun night with worrying thoughts about Mitchel, I picked the more arrogant route and decided to pay him no attention.

Blair of course was all over christian as they were dancing in the middle of the dance floor, it made me happy seeing her so joyful and I had a feeling Christian would be with her for a while.

My job was simply playing hard to get. Not just with Mitchel but with any nice fellow who happened to stumble in my direction.

I was sitting patiently at the bar having good small talk with the bartender, she definitely seemed like my type of person to hang out so I was perfectly content talking to her. She served me many 'Sex on the Beaches' and I was definitely feeling the alcohol.

I wasn't the only one paying attention to my drink intake because shortly having started slurring my sentences, a man came up to me with curiosity.

But not to my surprise it was no stranger. It was Tre. "Hi my love" he said with such seduction. Personally I was in no mood to mess with him and fight. Especially not in front of everyone because he sometimes got out of hand. Obviously no one knew this side of him, but I had thought I'd escaped it. I thought I was done. Out of his radar. Not to him though, he wasn't finished with me yet.

"Tre I am in no condition to be doing this with you, for yet, another time." I pushed back with attitude. Apparently wrong direct on my part. "Get up, I'm taking you home." He motioned a little more aggressively. I turned my back to him trying to grab the bar ladies' attention. Another wrong move, he grabbed my thigh as furiously as he could and whipped my stool back to face him. Aggressively cupping my chin and cheeks in his hands pulling my face closer. "Don't make me do this. Not here" His eyes wondered around seeing if anyone was noticing us. I was too drunk to try and fight for myself so I complied.

We stood, my rise a little more shaken than his. His grip on my arm tightening. A body flashed in front of my eyes and I knew it would be bad as I could feel my blackout coming on. I was getting blurrier and blurrier, but the last thing I saw were braids being grazed in front of my face.

I heard faint voices of people I could not quite identify, "Oh my god, Blake!?" "I'll take her back to our place until you're done, I'm sober enough now I can handle this." And with that I was gone.


hey guys, its been too long I know. I'll be better! keep liking and commenting, leave me your thoughts xoxo

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