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Blake POV

It took everyone about 30 minutes to agree on a club for us to attend. With Mitchel and Clinton arguing and disagreeing about every idea they both said to each other, we were making no progress. Christian finally had the sense to make the final decision for them. He gave me such dad vibes and I loved it.

We ordered an Uber that took about 10 minutes to get to us. We stood outside the venue making small talk, and of course Mitchel was distancing himself from the group smoking a cigarette.

"Does he always act like this?" I turned to Clinton raising my eyes over to Mitchel. "Surprisingly, no. I don't know what his problem is. He's been so tense and awkward since you and your friend arrived."  Raising his shoulders in utter confusion, and then directing his attention back to the whole group.

I didn't know how to take this so it made me feel a little guilty for pulling their best friend away. If that was even the case. I felt my body shift down and I was thinking to hard about this.

I'm guessing Clinton saw my attitude change as well because he bumped my arm shifting my attention from the ground "Hey don't sweat it, Mitchel's very difficult and moody. It may not even be your fault. Don't let him bring you down. Let's just have fun and party." He smiled at me with a wink. He made me feel better and I could already sense myself perk back up.

We all filed in and of course there were not enough seats for everyone. Blair sat on Christian's lap which he happily obliged. I felt the eyes face me as I was the last one needing to get into the car.

Mitchel looked at me smirking, "Here sweetheart, there's a place for you right here." He looked down, motioning for me to come sit on his lap. He confused me because just seconds ago he wanted to be no where near me. What was going on with this boy? The only thought I could keep thinking over and over. I decided to push the thought away and just went along with Mitchel. I rolled my eyes realizing there was no other place for me to go.

I climbed into the car trying not to make the other people uncomfortable by my body grazing across theirs. Meeting my lower body with Mitchel's, I felt him shift underneath me. And I realized what this was. I made him feel some type of way. I smirked thinking this in my head. Realizing the power I held.

I felt Mitchel come close to my ear, grabbing the stray piece of hair and setting it behind my ear.

"You should not make me feel this way my new lady friend" I felt his heated breath.

I shifted a little more for a better tease to lean back into him to say something. "Oh, why Mr. Cave I don't know what you mean" I put on my damsel-in-distress confusion face. I shifted a little more of my weight into his lap. I felt him tense up and I loved what I was doing to him.

It was about a 30 minute drive to the club which meant this little sexual game going on between Mitchel and I lasted all the way there. I was convinced I needed to stop teasing him before I wanted to do more. I couldn't let that happen just yet.

We arrived, and all climbed out of the car. The boys walked up to the entrance and exchanged a few words with the security guys. It didn't look like what they were trying to do was working, but then I realized I knew one of the dudes. From one of the frat parties Blair and I attended a few months ago. Him and I became, let's just say 'close'. We had hung out a couple of times after that and decided we should just be friends considering we both wanted different things in life.

I had concluded that I would handle this little situation they had gotten into. I walked up to where the boys had congregated around the security guys.

"Hey Charlie!!" I said with so much excitement, running up to him embracing him with a hug. This was working, I saw the security guy's attitude shift, a sparkle in his eye.

"Oh my god, Blake. I had no idea you went to clubs babe." Charlie had always called me that nickname from the first time I met him.

I turned around to face Mitchel, Christian, and Clinton giving them a message that I was trying to get us in the club. Most of them got it, but all I could notice was the anger sitting on Mitchel's face. I was confused on why he would feel that way, considering I was trying to save their asses by getting us in because their Aussie charm wasn't working.

Charlie and I made eye contact and I was trying my hardest to get him to feel sympathetic and let us in. "Are you with all of them B?" He asked me. "Yeah and I won't ever do this to you again Char, but can you get us in just this one time?" I charmed him with a slight touch to his arm. I heard Mitchel huff behind me but I payed him no attention.

Charlie looked a little uneasy. "Pleaseeee." I played my puppy dog eyes and once again I won him over. "Okay fine." He rolled his eyes in a playful way letting me know there were no hard feelings. I squealed once again embracing him in an even bigger hug, this one I did just to piss Mitchel off.

I turned to face the group and waved my hand ushering them inside the building. We all filed in being engulfed by the blinding lights and blasting music.

I expected Mitchel to come up and get me, but he just found his way to an empty booth surrounding himself with alcohol. He shifted his mood in a matter of seconds, and I don't know what happened? I couldn't help but think that it was about me and Charlie. But then that would mean he cared, and that brought fear into my mind.

Did Mitchel Cave truly care for me? There was no way. We've only known each other for a few hours. The question kept popping up into my mind. I couldn't help but ponder on it.


Hey guys, this is a bit of a shorter chapter. I'm trying to keep updated but I'm a little slow. Let me know what you guys think. Remember comment and vote!!! Much love xoxo.

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