♡ Dazai O.

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You wanted to see him again. It's all you wanted. Your will to live. You lost him and you know you would lose him again. it was an endless cycle. it was your curse of meeting the person you love. Everything about him was perfect. His hair, his eyes, his smile, everything. He would never remember you no matter how hard you tried. No matter how much you wanted him to. He continued living his life while you were stuck.

You watched from afar hoping one day he would recognize you and run to you and wrap his arms around you. It's all you wanted in life. It would never happen and you knew it.

Your legs carried your body around the city. Looking at everyone passing you by. You wondered if you have seen them before. You wondered if they have met him before. You wanted to find him again, introduce yourself..again.

It had become night. You sighed as you gave up looking for the person who gave you a reason to live. You headed to a bar. Each day felt the same, walking aimlessly around the city and then head to a bar to lose yourself. You ordered your favorite drink once again. The bartender had placed your cold drink on the dark wood counter. You thanked him and looked blankly at it, hoping he would some how come out of the drink.

The big dark wood door opened with a little force. A few people walked in. They appeared to be in the twenties, they were laughing, enjoying themselves. They sat down in a booth within ear shot of you. They talked on about their work life. They had mentioned a place called the armed detective agency. Those words..they meant something to you. It put a picture of him in your head.

His work place. The place he spent his days at. You could never bring yourself to go there. You would make a fool out of yourself. As you scanned the table they sat at, you notice he wasn't there. Sadness washed over you. You looked down at your now half empty drink. It made you sad. Seeing the people he spent his days with, knowing that they could never forget him, and he couldn't forget them.

It wasn't fair. Just because of your so called ability. It was suppose to keep you save, but only cause you pain. In the middle of your self pity, the door had opened once again. Those veiny hands holding onto the door knob. You knew them. The ones you have missed so much. You lifted your head and saw him, you finally saw dazai. A smile had made its was on your face. You didn't know what to do, you were scared. He walked to the booth where his friends were.

"Dazai! You made it!" The male with the weird gray hair had stated. You wish that were you. You were jealous. They had what you wanted. You would do anything to have him again. He sat down with them and joined in on talking about work life. Once again you observed from the side. You decided to wait until they got up to leave to approach him. You continued to sit with worry. Hoping he doesn't ignore you.

Half an hour had passed and the time finally came. They got up and the butterfly's inside had grown. You got up and followed them out of the door that he soon before had walked through. Once your out the door you notice he is gone. You were devastated. You didn't know what to do. Where could he have gone. You continued to walk.

You felt a hand come down on your shoulder. You turn around and look up. it was him. "Hello belladonna."

You didn't know what to do. You stood there like a deer caught in headlights. "Dazai..." "It's so nice to see you again Y/N." He...remembered you. How. "No need to be shocked, darling. My ability is cancellation of other abilities." He said with a goofy smile plastered on his face. Without saying another word you hugged him has hard as you could. He still smelled the same, like apples right off a tree. It was wonderful. You were happy. It's all you wanted. you didn't want to leave him.

"I won't leave you Y/N...I promise"

uh idk if it's good but yah

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