shelby sister - jumped imagine

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in this you are the youngest shelby sibling, you are fifteen.


it was a rainy thursday evening and you were jogging to the garrison from the stables for a family meeting john had called earlier that day.

you were nearly there, fast-walking through a little shortcut just behind the garrison.

suddenly, a quite large-looking man came out of nowhere attacking you!

you fought back quite well until four more men came out.

it was now 5v1 and you couldn't see yourself winning.

two of the men pinned u down in a matter of time, and one of the two put a piece of cloth in your mouth to stop you from screaming.

the other three were using you as a punching bag for what felt like eternity.

you were never really religious, but all you could think of was to pray too god that this would stop soon.

and it did, thank the lord.

you felt all the hands and feet come off you and the cloth come out your mouth.

too afraid to open your eyes, all you could hear was the sound of heavy breathing before loud footsteps trotted away.

you could just about make it to the garrison.

slowly hobbling onto your feet, you started your painful trek.

you could feel your vision blurring a bit when you walked through the entrance.

all the men inside stopped what they were doing and gasped, seeing the youngest shelby sister all bruised and bloody definitely wasn't a sight you see every day!

you opened the door to the private room and from what you could see through the one eye that wasn't swollen shut everyone in there stopped speaking and stared for a few seconds their faces in shock.

arthur was the first to raise his voice "what the fuck! who did this too you? tell me now!"

he banged his fists onto the table. that did not help your light-headedness. luckily, polly -who was sitting at the end of the right part of the couch- saw how you started swaying slightly and immediately pulled you down onto the seat next to her.

polly spoke completely ignoring arthurs comments.

"finn go to the bar and ask harry for the med kit and some whiskey." she calmly stated, knowing if she shouted it would only make you worse.

you were losing consciousness and your eyes started to droop.

john took notice of that and moved round the table, holding your face in his hands to keep your head from dropping and whispered "don't close those eyes, y/n. you have got to keep them open."

as he said that, finn came rushing in. polly immediately grabbed the med kit from his hands and opened it, starting to try clean the wounds on your face.

michael, arthur, tommy and john were putting their coats and caps on ready to find and torture the bastards who had done this too you.

"y/n" thomas spoke "i am going to need you to tell me if you know who did this to you? or if you can remember what they looked like? i can tell it was more then one person."

thinking for a second you opened your mouth to talk but choked on some of the blood caught in there and started coughing.

finn rubbed your back trying to help calm you down. it helped after a few minutes.

you opened your mouth to speak again and luckily, words came out this time. "a few of them had a tattoo below their left elbows, looked like some sort of snake. maybe a cobra."

you knew in situations like these to look for tattoos, beauty marks, birth marks, or some sort of mark anyone could hopefully recognise them with.

fighting with your eyes, trying not to close them, you soon lost the fight and your eyes shut down.

thomas cleared all the things off the table and placed you onto it. that way, polly can access the wounds on the rest of your body.

all of the men had set off on the hunt to find the people who had done this so they can do things you honestly don't really want to think about.

after about thirty minutes, polly was finished cleaning you up as best as she could.

she was sat on the edge of the seats smoking one of her long, thin cigars.

the boys finally came back and polly noticed a small yellow bruise on the side of thomas's left cheek, that was enough to tell her the job had been done.

a brief smile set on her face, she instructed tommy to bring you back to watery lane to sleep the night there with her.

tommy said he may as well sleep there for the night as well.

parting ways with everyone else, john said he would just re-schedule the meeting for the next day.


hope you enjoyed my first imagine :))

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