arthur shelby - saviour imagine

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"this place is a mess." your husband growled.

"well, it's where i grew up. we will only be here for a few hours, okay?" your heels made a clicking noise against the cobblestone pavements.

your husband didn't respond just kept walking next to you.

you hated him, your parents took you away from birmingham when you were seventeen.

now you're thirty-four. when you were
twenty-one you got forced into a marriage with one of the most arrogant, selfish bastards you'd ever met.

you walked into an old pub you hadn't seen in what felt like forever.

the garrison.

"bloody hell, this hasn't changed!" you exclaimed as you walked up to the bar and saw "harry! how are you doing?"

"jesus christ! is it really you? y/n! take a seat, i haven't seen you in what! eternity?" harry said sarcastically.

your husband just answered for you with a rude tone "two irish whiskeys and shut up."

harry looked taken back "sorry mate, just haven't seen her in a while."

you sent harry a sympathetic look before turning round to face your husband who was glaring at harry.

you rolled your eyes and said "firstly, he is an old friend, just that. secondly, don't you think he is a bit old for me, hm?" you stared right into his eyes.

"yeah yeah, whatever." he never trusted you, and you could tell he didn't believe you.

you drunk two more glasses of whiskey, it was now 7:30pm.

you were waiting for at least one of the shelby clan to walk in.

hopefully your first love, arthur shelby.

you were childhood best friends and slowly after you both turned fourteen -only having birthdays a few months apart- you started developing feelings.

you and your husband were arguing, again.

this time about when you were leaving this 'shitty city' quoting from him.

the pub all of a sudden went silent, so silent you could hear if someone was to tap their finger on one of the tables.

you smiled as you lifted your head up and was met with four very familiar faces.

finn shelby.

john shelby.

thomas shelby.

and the one you were most excited for,


your childhood best friend and crush.

you kept your head down after seeing them walk into the pub. you saw them from the very corner of your eye going to the bar.

"y/n?" you heard from a voice that sounded a lot deeper then when you last saw him.

"y/n! bloody hell, it's really you!" it was finn, the youngest of all the siblings.

wow he had changed a lot, he was some age under 10 years old when you last saw him.

he gave you a hug and behind him you saw the other three turn around. big smiles on their faces when they saw your face!

"hello finn, hello the rest of you. this is my husband, gideon." you put on a fake smile and only arthur could tell right through it. he remembered when you used to do that face when you were being sarcastic.

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