michael gray - escape short story - part 3

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i put a gif of john at the top as a bit of foreshadowing.
hint: 'in the bleak midwinter' :((


a few days later and y/n was settled into the new house. it felt like her and ada had been life-long friends, sisters even.

ada had told y/n about her past before she moved to london, of course missing out about the illegal side of her brothers business and a few other bits and bobs that weren't needed.

y/n had told ada few stories of when she was at the adoption centre, they both really bonded.

"hey, y/n?" ada shouted to y/n.

"yes" y/n responded as she walked into the kitchen and sat down in a chair where there was some toast and a glass of milk ready for her.

"i was thinking, you should come to the meeting i have with my brothers today, it will be at my brother john's house." ada asked.

y/n nearly choked on her milk, finishing the bite of toast before responding "um, isn't it more of a family meeting?"

"oh no, they have heard of you a few times around the city and want to meet you actually!" ada cheered.

"alright then, i don't see why not" y/n lied, inside she was terrified. she had heard a few things when taking karl on walks but she had tried to convince herself that they just want to meet her, no harm.

after an hour, they both were ready and got in the car. ada's nanny taking care of karl for her.

y/n hands were shaking slightly but she tried to speak more with ada during the journey to keep her mind off of it.

unfortunately, it was all she could think about.

they stopped outside a beautiful house in the countryside.

"it is weirdly silent, hopefully nothing has happened" ada said as she linked arms with y/n.

y/n didn't respond just walked up the drive with her head high and taking in all the pretty landscape around her.

she got brought out of her thoughts when ada screamed and ran quickly, y/n following her and they were met with a bloody scene.

"bloody hell, what has happened!" y/n exclaimed, seeing two men laying in pools of blood.

ada ran into the house and y/n ran over to the woman who was sobbing.

"GO TO MICHAEL!!" the woman shouted.

without hesitation, y/n ran over to the other man covered in blood, who must be called michael.

the young man looks over at y/n in agony and she holds his hand reassuring him "stay awake, help is on the way!"

in under a minute ada came running back out screaming "I CALLED AN AMBULANCE, ITS COMING NOW!" before running to y/n who was blushing as michael called her pretty.

"y/n and michael now isn't the time to be flirting! you aren't going to die michael, keep those eyes open for me, okay?" ada stressed.

not even waiting for a response and ran to who
y/n guessed as her brother who had blood coming out his mouth. she hugged the young woman crying, holding him and started sobbing with her.

y/n was trying to keep michael awake as long as possible that she didn't even notice help had arrived.

ada stood y/n up and y/n pulled ada and the young woman -who she still hadn't learnt her name- in a hug as they were both still crying, heavy.

even though the young woman and y/n didn't know each other, y/n knew they both needed a hug and someone to cry on.

michael and john got took away and ada and y/n decided to go home after esme -y/n soon learnt her name- went in her car and told the driver to follow the ambulances.


"y/n you have to come see him, he has been asking for you ever since he woke up!" ada spoke quietly to her who was on the other line at ada's house helping take care of karl whilst she was grieving and visiting michael, a lot.

"but what about my background and how i am randomly living with you, he might think i am just some homeless whore!" y/n whispered the last word due to karl being in the next room.

ada sighed before telling y/n for the fourth time on this one phone call "y/n, he won't care! he is grateful! i mean you did kind of save his life. and his mum, my aunt, wants to meet you as well. she will be there when you see michael-"

"if i see michael." y/n cut ada off, emphasising on the if.

"please come and see him y/n. pleeease!" ada pleads through the phone.

"okay fine, i will be there in a bit." y/n gives in.

"yay, okay. i will see you here. just tell the driver to take you to polly's mansion." ada cheers.

y/n could feel the smile ada had on her face was big.

"alright, see you later" y/n hangs up the phone and tells the nanny to look after karl whilst she goes and visits michael...


i think i will put the last part to this little story out later today! once again: this was requested by @AnnieK400 :))

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