lovesick ||bokuaka||

2.5K 142 338

pairing: bokuto x akaashi
au: doctor akaashi au
length: 2.6k, so medium.
triggers: none. unless you're a doctor, then many.
inspiration: honestly don't remember
requests: closed


description: as bokuto is forced to see a doctor for his flu, he finds that flu may not be the only sickness he has.

flushed cheeks, heart beating out of proportion, inappropriate thoughts - all symptoms of being lovesick.




"dude... stop.." kuroo sighed loudly, annoyed by the non-stop coughing coming from his roommates side.

"i cannot stop it, kuroo. shut up and text your boyfriend instead" bokuto managed to say before sneezing and coughing again.

"oh shut up" kuroo stood up from his work table and stomped to the kitchen, angrily making a cup of tea for his dumb roommate. "it's morning, there are not many people in the clinic. just go and get fucking tested"

"but i don't wanna..", bokuto started whining like a little baby, "those nurses scare me. they keep commenting how good my arms are and touch me. i don't want them touching me"


"and what if they find something bad? what if i have lung cancer? the secondhand smoke i get from you must be taking it's toll on me"

"bokuto, i only smoke in the balcony and never in your face, go to the fucking clinic", kuroo may have sounded angry but you could hear the worry in his voice as well. "also since when has my smoking affected you? i try my best to make sure you're not affected!"

"kuroo.... i don't wanna...." bokuto whined again as he coughed into his elbow. he shifted his weak body on the couch as he struggled to maintain his blanket on his body. he whined again, and again, and again, making kuroo both worried and annoyed.

it's been three days.

on the first day of bokuto being sick, which rarely happens, because let's be honest, bokuto is as healthy as a cucumber and almost never gets sick, he only seemed to have a clogged nose. he told kuroo something along the lines of "tea which lemon and honey is a natural remedy, it always heals me" and went ahead to drink at least 6 cups of tea in two hours.

as roommates, they shared a living space. same kitchen, same living room, same toilet - different bedrooms. kuroo had no intention of getting sick now that his boyfriend was coming back to japan from an exchange program overseas.

bokuto's clogged nose was not a threat, the real threat came at night - the coughing started.

enter day two, bokuto was still trying to convince kuroo he is fine, even though he kept coughing every other minute. kuroo forcefully put a mask over his face, but that did little to no help - he kept drinking the tea, kept coughing, kept convincing kuroo he is fine - he was not.

by the time the evening came he was curled up on a sofa, a mug with hot tea on the coffee table - his body was shivering. his temperature had risen. kuroo considered calling an ambulance, but that would be a waste of the professionals time - all bokuto had to do was go to the clinic, get tested, get some actual medicine and get better...

𝐡𝐚𝐢𝐤𝐲𝐮𝐮 𝐨𝐧𝐞-𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬 ||𝐛𝐨𝐲𝐱𝐛𝐨𝐲||Where stories live. Discover now