Chapter 1

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You didn't think that the first day of high school would look so dramatic? Overbearing? Weird? You didn't know how to describe it. Although it wasn't the official first day of school, it felt weird seeing your brother being fawned over the moment he stepped onto school grounds. There was a sea of girls surrounding him consisting of some upperclassmen and some first years like you. If this was just orientation day, you didn't know how bad it would be when you actually had classes. Today was more or less an introduction of sorts and school didn't start for another week; it should be an okay day.

It should have been an okay day at least. You were still staring at the mass of girls surrounding your brother. You know you should probably head to the auditorium for orientation but the question was how? Tooru's fangirls seemed to be blocking almost every corner and you nearly died in that crowd when they suddenly engulfed the both of you. So you stood there off to the side wondering what to do.

"(Y/N)-chan!" You turned around to see Kindaichi waving at you with Kunimi following behind with a small nod.

"Good morning," you greeted them as you fully turned around to see them.

"Hey, is that a mob?" Kindaichi was pointing towards the fangirls surrounding your brother. You and Kunimi looked at Tooru.

He was standing above all the girls. A couple came near to his height but most of them at least reached his chest or shoulders. He was smiling and talking to them. Gratefully taking each gift and talking with them as they continued to shove and push each other away to talk to him. It looked like a complete mess.

"I think it is." You snorted at Kunimi's statement. "Do you think we can get around it?"

"I can help." Three pairs of eyes turned to Iwaizumi before the three of you greeted him good morning. He only nodded back. "Just go around the edge of the mob. I'll get your brother's shitty mob to disperse."

"Should we call a teacher or?" Kindaichi trailed off as he looked towards you and Kunimi.

Iwaizumi waved him off. "It gets worse and besides." He glanced at his phone. "Orientation starts for you guys soon so you better leave."

You and Kindaichi's eyes widened before you pulled out your own phone to check the time. "It's almost eight forty-five! We gotta go!" You grabbed Kindaichi and Kunimi's hands. "Bye Iwa-chan! We'll see you in a bit!" He gave you a small smile before you took off.

It was hard to squeeze through the girls but the three of you eventually made it to the auditorium. You had the luck of being at the school so many times because of your brother and the number of times you got lost allowed you to memorize which classrooms were in which building or floor. The three of you were panting, having just run from the front entrance all the way to the back near the auditorium. Other first-years were still coming in staring at the panting and sweaty mess that was you, Kindaichi, and Kunimi.

"Let's—" You took a deep breath "—never run again. I don't have an athletic bone in my body."

"We have five minutes until it starts," Kunimi grumbled. "I don't know why we had to run. That was too far."

"Well sorry for not wanting to be late," you huffed. You took one last breath before you stood up. "C'mon, I think we can grab some decent seats."

"Even if we do, it's not like we're going to pay much attention," Kindaichi stated. You looked at him as you were about to enter the room. He stared down at you confused. "It's just basic rules and stuff right?"

"Well, I," you took a deep breath before sighing, "yeah but..."

"But?" Your long-time friends looked at you expectantly.

"But it's our first day in high school!" you exclaimed. "C'mon, guys, this affects our lives, y'know!"

"And they say that about everything." Kunimi rolled his eyes as he saw you glare at him, your bottom lip almost jutting out into a small pout. "Whatever, I'm not promising I'll pay attention."

You looked towards Kindaichi. He held his hands up. "I'll semi-pay attention." He stayed quiet. "Maybe."

You sighed. You'll take it. Kindaichi would pay attention when needed but Kunimi was most likely to doze off. You should be okay but you know you'll doze off if the speaker had the most monotone voice alive.

"I'll take it then." You grinned as you stepped into the room. "Let's get some seats!"

.·:*¨ ✘♚✘ ¨*:·.


Hello, people! This is the first chapter of The King's Sister and I'm excited since I managed to post it before y'know, a year has passed. It's a little short but I'll be writing longer chapters once school has stopped being so stressful. I was shooting for late January to early February to post this chapter and I did it! I'll be attempting to update every Sunday but, that is not a promise.

 Online school has been a pain recently and because I'm almost graduating (two more years until freedom) I've been trying to keep up with all my classes. I've been stressed but writing this book has been fun. Let's hope for a season 5 of Haikyuu!! and I'll write to ya'll next Sunday! Bye!

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