Chapter 2

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The first days of school were always fun. Well, not fun because you get the dread of wondering how much homework teachers are willing to give you on your first day and having to navigate through new hallways to find your classes. Nonetheless, reconnecting with your old friends and making new ones were always fun. There were also more opportunities to spread your wings now that you were in high school. You wanted to have a good morning, but that's hard when your brother somehow forgot that he had school the next day and stayed up to watch volleyball matches.

"You know that this is your fault for staying up until two in the morning, right?"

Tooru glared at you from the kitchen table as he packed his bento into his bag. His shirt was still untucked, his sweater vest resting on his shoulder with his tie hanging loosely around his neck. It was very different from his usual appearance with a pristine uniform with no wrinkles set insight. Well, there were still no wrinkles but his untamed hair and eyebags made it hard not to think he was a complete mess.

"I know that already," he huffed. "Mama already got on my case before she left for a photo shoot."

"I know, I heard her scolding you when I finished changing," you chirped with a smile plastered on your face. "We got to hurry or Hajime-san is going to scold you."

"Wait, how do you know he's not going to scold you instead?" he questioned. His eyes were furrowed as he slipped on his cream-colored sweater vest.

"Because I am his favorite Oikawa child," you stated. "I'm also not the one who stayed up until two in the morning watching videos and I'm not a nuisance to him."

Tooru gasped before turning his nose up and crossing his arms. "Well, I am a delight, (Y/N)-chan!"

You stared at him. He looked back at you confused. You only scoffed and walked towards the genkan to put on your shoes.

"Respect your elders!"

"Okay, Ojii-san."

Whatever Tooru said next was unheard as you were too busy putting on your shoes and adjusting them. A knock came from the door and you slid it open to reveal Iwaizumi.


"Good morning!" you replied. "Tooru will be done in like five minutes." You paused. "Eh, give or take a few minutes."

Iwaizumi's eyebrows scrunched up. "Did he stupidly forget we had school?" You hummed in confirmation. "Oi, Shittykawa hurry it up!"

"You don't have to be so vulgar early in the morning, Iwa-Chan!"

You rolled your eyes. "Maybe if you didn't stay up he wouldn't call you that."

"(Y/N)-chan, not you, too!" Tooru whined. He appeared at the doorway fixing up the dark red tie around his neck, similar to the one that Iwaizumi wore loosely around his own uniform. His hair was neatly swept off to the side, his uniform now the definition of perfection with the entire uniform in place. His eye bags were still there but they weren't as prominent as before.

You pulled out your phone to see that there were about forty minutes until school started. It took about twenty minutes to get there by bus if you got to the bus stop on time. The bus stop wasn't far either, just a few minutes if you guys left now.

Before you could say anything, Tooru cut you off, "We should go now. The bus is going to be here in about five minutes."

"Then get your bag." You and Iwaizumi deadpanned. The both of you only looked at Tooru as he left to get his bag in the kitchen.

Without Tooru's chattering, it was quiet between you and Iwaizumi. This wasn't the first time he was over but it's been years since you two had a real conversation. When he did come over, he was usually with your brother whereas you could've been out with your friends or doing something in your room. The pair of you didn't really talk unless needed but it wasn't like that before.

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