Chapter 2 (Old)

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You sneezed as you dusted the erasers outside and one of your classmates chuckled at you. You looked up and stared at him. "What?" you asked. "You just have a cute kitten sneeze," he started smiling. You rolled your eyes before saying, "So what?" He smirked before saying, "It makes you look cuter, Oikawa-chan." You stared at him weirdly before asking, "Is that supposed to make me swoon?"

"Well, looks like I've been caught." The taller boy grinned at you as he put a hand on his hip. "The name's Hiranuma Takesi, but you can call me Takesi." You simply waved at him before going back inside the school building. Takesi gave a confused look before looking at the doorway of the building before running inside. "Oikawa-chan, wait up!" he shouted.

"Not a chance, lover boy," you muttered going into your classroom. You shut the door behind you and smiled as you heard a satisfying slam against the door. You walked to your desk and put your chair up before calling out, "Hey, guys, I'm done."

"W-Wait for me, (Y/N)!" You turned around and saw Kindaichi getting his bag. You smiled and gestured for him to follow. "Hurry up then, slowpoke!"

You met Kindaichi two weeks ago on the first day when you were looking for clubs. Shortly after your brothers were dragged off by their friends, Kindaichi came over asking for a volleyball application. You told him that you weren't part of the club but gave him the application that Iwaizumi had given you. He bowed and left but not long after did you two find out you were classmates. 

"Chi-Kun, hurry up. You're already late to practice," you said poking his back. Kindaichi slung his bag over his shoulder before bolting out of the classroom. You stood there flabbergasted on how he just left you before groaning. "Chi-Kun wait for me!" you called out running after him.

Kindaichi stopped and waited for you before running again once you caught up. This time you were able to keep up with him and before you two knew it, you were in the gym. Yes, only you. Kindaichi had to change for practice and you were still pondering on being the manager so you didn't have to change out because you were just going to watch the team play. You made your way to a bench where Coach Irihata and Mizoguchi were sitting down. You greeted the two coaches before sitting yourself near Irihata. The gym doors opened and you spotted Kindaichi in his practice clothes running and yelling apologies for being late. Mizoguchi immediately went to lightly scold the boy for being late, leaving you and the older coach alone.

 "So how was your day? Did Oikawa and Katsu you bother you?" Irihata asked. He always asked in case the twin brothers went a little too far. Seijoh didn't need a manager but he was fine with it if the team wanted one. Plus, Oikawa wouldn't have to do more work if you did end up becoming the manager and helping him. 

You shook your head. "Same old. They only bothered me during lunch but Iwaizumi-san came and dragged them away." Irihata nodded and patted your back. "Just let me know if it's too much of a bother and I'll release Iwaizumi and Manglona on them." You sweatdropped at his answer. Does he think of them like animals? you thought. Nah— wait... they do act like guard dogs sometimes. No, they're probably like animal tamers because of Tooru-nii and Katsu-nii. You nodded at your answer. But still they— 


You groaned as your back hit the floor as a throbbing sensation was making itself home on your forehead. You rubbed your forehead as you used your other hand to get up. "Are you okay?" Irihata asked moving around to help you up. You winced but nodded. Footsteps were heard as you sat down on the bench and Katsu pulled you up as he and Tooru spun you around to check for any injuries while asking you questions. "SHITTYKAWAS STOP SPINNING HER!" someone yelled. Your brothers stopped and the three of you watching Iwaizumi walk up and lightly push you onto the bench. He kneeled down and asked if he could check for injuries. You nodded and he gently inspected your head. 

You tried not to blush as he checked you. When he moved his hands to turn your head, you were mentally screaming inside. The only boys you've ever gotten this close to were your brothers since they hugged you a lot and didn't allow you to have a lot of guy friends/boyfriends. So Iwaizumi touching your face wasn't something you were exactly comfortable with but at the same time, you felt fine with it. 

"Are you okay?" Iwaizumi asked. You nodded before smiling at him. "I'll be fine, Iwaizumi-senpai," you answered standing up, the pain slowly decreasing. The ace nodded before standing up as Irihata shouted, "All right! Back to practice!" Katsu and Tooru nodded before running back on the courts. 

Iwaizumi turned around to follow the twins but he turned back to you before bowing. You stood there confused until he muttered something. You furrowed your eyebrows before asking him to repeat what he said. With a heavy sigh, he repeated it louder. "I'm sorry, I was the one who spiked the ball in your direction by accident. Please forgive me." You nodded as he stood back up. "I forgive you, Senpai." Iwaizumi gave you a small smile before turning around and heading back to the courts.

You sighed and slumped down on the bench. That was mentally tiring, you thought. You glanced at your school bag, a notebook sticking out of it. Well, that homework isn't going to do itself. You grabbed the notebook and dug for a pencil and your math textbook before starting it. At least I'm not procrastinating this time.

After an hour of doing your homework, you noticed that the volleyball team was packing up and heading to the club room to change. Katsu came over to tell you to wait for them while he, Tooru, and Iwaizumi changed and locked up the club room. Right after the three left Nikolina came in the gym. You smiled and waved at her as she walked towards you with an instrument case. You stared at it curiously before asking which instrument was in the case so you two could have some type of conversation. Luckily it worked and you both ended up talking for about fifteen minutes before your brothers and Iwaizumi came back. Not long after the five of you were going home. When Iwaizumi and Nikolina left to their homes, you walked with your brothers home.

Tooru unlocked the door before twisting the door open and you bolted to your room. You quickly opened the door before throwing your bag next to the door and collapsing on your bed. "I'M FREE!" you screamed into your pillow. You heard someone knock on your door and you granted them permission to come in. "(N/N)-chaan! What do you want on your pizza?" Tooru asked. You perked up at the thought of pizza. "Pepperoni!" He nodded but he still stood at the door. You groaned and looked at your brother who looked like he was about to explode. "If I join, would you and Katsu stop bothering me about joining the club?" you asked already knowing why he was still in your room. He nodded and Katsu shouting in agreement was heard from downstairs. "Give me an application." Cue two screaming male teens in excitement.

So, that was shitty and late; very, very late. I'm sorry for not updating. I had school and going on and I visited my family and that physically drained me because I am not one to socialize (also procrastinated). I'll try to update earlier. Haikyuu characters do not belong to me whatsoever and you belong to yourself (or Iwa, whatever floats your boat). 

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