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Layla woke to the sound of the door knocking. She saw Polly fast asleep in her bed.

Gently, Layla climbed out of bed and made her way to the front door. She saw Charley there. "What's happened?"

"Max bloody Tyler. He came over and told me his lawyer would be writing to me. I'm going to lose my girl to him. He doesn't even want her," she sobbed.

Layla held her close and smiled. "No you're not babes. You're going to keep your precious baby girl and no one is going to take her from you. I promise," she said.

Layla was sitting in the house. She looked up as Tom walked in. She glared. "I hope you're happy. You've literally ruined Charley."


"Max has only gone and gotten a lawyer! She doesn't have the type of money for that. She can't fight Max Tyler in a bloody custody battle!"

Tom rolled his eyes. He looked at her. "I don't care about that. I want to see my daughter. If that's okay with you."

Layla shrugged. "She's playing. So go see her."

Tom walked into the playroom and saw Polly sitting on the floor with her toys. "Hello darling."

"Hi daddy. I playing with mine toys," Polly told him as she handed him a doll. "Charley cry."

Tom smiled. "I know darling. But we don't talk about Charley. Do you want to come away with daddy?" He asked.

Polly looked at him and frowned. "Where?"

"To the beach. We can stay there for a little bit," Tom said as he handed her back the doll.

Polly frowned for a moment and nodded. "I go tell mummy."

"No. Don't tell mummy yet. It's our little secret," Tom told her.

Polly nodded. "Otay. I going nanny's later so can we go another day?"


Layla pulled up outside of Rachel's house. She was thankful that Rachel was having Polly for the night.

She walked into the house. Rachel smiled as she picked her granddaughter up. She looked at Layla. "Charley is here. She fell asleep after crying for hours."

Layla nodded. "I'm not surprised. Is she okay?"

"Not at all love. I've told her to stay here. Max keeps going to her flat and harassing her. She's leaving Rochdale. She told me."

Layla arrived outside of Tom's house. He let her in. "We need to talk."


"All the fighting going on between us. It has to stop. It's not fair on Polly. She's our little girl and she deserves better than that."

Tom shrugged. "I know. But you don't seem to understand that."

"So you're saying I don't think of her? When she is all I think of. I was there for everything. Her first words. Her first steps. Everything. And you left her."

"Stop throwing that back at me!"

"Stop being an asshole."

Tom grabbed her and pinned her against the wall. Layla glared as she pushed him away. But it didn't work.

Their lips met in a heated and passionate kiss. Layla pushed him away and walked out of the house.

She sat in her car and sighed. Her head was a mess over Tom. But could the two of them ever work it out?

Runaway Daddy (Waterloo road)Where stories live. Discover now