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Layla knew that she was going to do all she could to make Adam pay for hurting her daughter. She knew that she hated the other man with so much passion that she wanted him dead.

Tom had told her that they would get justice another way. They didn't know how. But they needed to. He wasn't going to let Adam get away with what he had done to his daughter.

It hadn't been easy for the couple. But Layla knew that she wanted to make it work. Knowing that Polly needed them to be strong.

Tom had told her that he wasn't going to let this drive them apart. They wanted to put on a united front for everyone to see that they couldn't be broken.

Layla hadn't talked to her mum at all. She couldn't be around someone who had the man that had hurt her child. She felt sick at the thought of her own mum being so in love with a monster.

All she knew was that she couldn't forgive anyone who was in love with a monster as that is what Adam Fleet was. A monster.

Morning came and she was lying in bed with Tom. The two of them were cuddled up. Polly asleep in the middle of them. She hadn't been able to sleep in her own bed lately.

Lacey didn't mind. She wanted her little girl to feel comfortable. And if that meant she and Tom didn't get their own time, then so be it. Layla was a mum first.

Tom smiled to her. "Are you okay?" He asked as he kissed her lips gently.

"Yeah I'm good. Just thinking about how we could get rid of you know who," Layla said as she looked to him.

Tom sighed. He knew how she wanted revenge. And while he didn't blame her, he knew the way she was talking, he didn't like it. "I know you're upset and hurting. But I don't know what to do. I don't like how you're talking," he said.

Layla hated that things were a mess. She didn't know why. But she just wanted it to go back to normal. Before it all became too much.

Tom took her hand. "We'll make him pay. I promise you. I don't know if it'll be easy. But I know we can do it," he told her.

Layla went into work. Tom had taken the day off to stay with Polly who wasn't very well. Charley walked over and smiled. "Hey. You good?" She asked.

Layla sighed and smiled. "I think so. I just... I don't know. I want to make that scum pay. But Tom is telling me I need to not. I just hate it," she said.

"I can imagine. He's in the staffroom. Max is in there too. Making his snide comments. Quite entertaining," Charley told her.

Layla sighed and nodded. "I just want my little girl to be okay. But she's not. She's been hurt by that monster. And I just can't handle it anymore."

Tom met with Max later on that night. Max smiled. "Are you sure about this?" He asked. Knowing what they were about to do.

Tom nodded. "My little girl needs justice. And the police won't do anything. So we have to," he told him.

"Then let's do it."

The two men got into the car and drove off. But what were they about to do?

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⏰ Last updated: May 02 ⏰

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