chapter five

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Maeve wormed her way through a crowd of teenagers in the search for Aimee. The girl's mind was reeling after the kiss she had shared with Tuesday, not knowing what to make of it since it happened and not being able to gauge Tuesday's reaction to it as the girl seemed rather blasé about it in the presence of everyone else - only sharing shy glances with Maeve every now and then across the room.

Soon enough, Maeve spotted the blonde haired girl sitting on the couch in the living room with a red cup in her hand, looking well and truly drunk already, despite the party only having been in full swing for about an hour yet. She was looking at something in the corner of the other room, but Maeve paid no mind as she was relieved to just finally find her after what felt like she had spent ages looking for. In hindsight, it was only about five minutes.

"Aimee," Maeve called out, sitting down next to the girl with a sigh, "Aimee, Aimee."

Aimee nodded on at the sight in front of her, "That's a bit of a mind fuck, eh?"

Maeve frowned and followed the girls eyesight to where August and Jackson were currently making out on the armchair causing her to cringe, but she was confused as to what Aimee meant by it.

"Y'know," Aimee started, "You and Jackson were sleeping together and now you like Tuesday who is August's twin sister."

"Oh, right." Maeve nodded, "It's a small town I suppose."

"That it is." Aimee mused, "Had a good time so far?"

Maeve drummed her fingers on her leg nervously, "It's been good, but uh, Tuesday and I...we kissed."

"Oh my God!" Aimee exclaimed, pulling Maeve up from the sofa and grabbing her hand, "Come with me. I want to hear all the details somewhere quiet."

Maeve rolled her eyes and allowed herself to be dragged out the front door and to the corner of the front garden. There were only a handful of people out here who were having a smoke, clearly wanting to find somewhere quiet seeing as the house and back garden was rammed.

"So tell me everything!" Aimee begged, "What happened? When? And why aren't you with her now?"

She shrugged, her mind replaying the kiss over and over again and how nervous she was to talk to her about it, "After dinner we went upstairs and we were just chatting and then - fuck, I don't know..." Maeve sighed, running a hand through her hair, "I just lent in and kissed her."

Aimee squealed, "Awh, this is perfect!" She grinned, her drunken state clearly struggling to read Maeve's "Then what happened?"

"She kissed me back and I feel like she liked it too, but then Otis and Eric walked in the door so we obviously stopped." Maeve groaned, "And now we haven't exactly been able to talk about it and I just don't know what to say when I see her next and - fuck! This shit is so stressful."

Aimee put her hand on the girls shoulder and pouted, "Awh, babes." She sympathised, "Just have a drink and then talk to her."

She passed her fairly full cup to Maeve and gestured for her to drink to which the girl did, too stressed to be feeling this sober.

"There ya go." Aimee said, "Now go and find her."

Maeve sighed anxiously, but nodded her head as she knew the longer she left not saying anything then the more awkward it would become. Plus, she had even agreed to stay the night so she felt like she should say something before they go to bed. So, she braced herself and made her way back into the house and out in the garden where she had last seen the girl.

When Maeve got into the garden, she stood on the doorstep and scanned the garden and managed to spot the fellow brunette who was sat on the swinging bench with a beer in her hand. Maeve thought she looked cute, but the red-headed girl who was sat next to her making the girl laugh made her blood boil. She stepped out of the house and just looked on at the pair, willing for them to stop and part ways - she was so invested in watching them that she jumped at the sound of Otis coming up next to her.

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