Chapter thirty eight

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(So quick interruption I just had the best idea which you people probably won't enjoy or like but i don't know but I thought I'd ask you people first-I have ocs like characters and I want to explain they're past,presents and also personalities since I think it's a great option for me to do it's because I can't update as well since my ideas are getting dry;w; so I thought this would be a good option for me to do this and if you people didn't like the idea I don't care I get to show you people me characters past and present and other shit so yeah anyway onto the story bye perverted people)
Foxy:*powers off*
<~many hours later~>
...:*wakes up*
Foxy:*powered off*
...:*scoots our from his grasp then sneezes*ack-*sniffle sniffle and sneezes again*
<~after sneezing and coughing many times for at least ten minutes or so~>
...:*walks downstairs and falls onto the couch and groans out of pain*T^T
Foxy:*powers on then sits up and looks around*?
...:*sneezes loudly*
Foxy:*gets off the bed and walks downstairs towards the couch sitting down on it in front of y/n*you seem sick-
...:no duh idiot-n-
Foxy:*laughs*do you want me to take care of you or not?
Foxy:then don't talk to me that way*gets up then walks away into kitchen*
<~thirty to forty five minutes later~>
Foxy:*wraps blankets around y/n and pours a small amount of medicine into a small cup*til your head back-
...:FINE ILL TAKE THE NASTY STUFF!*tilts head back plugging nose*
Foxy:*laughs*you gotta open your mouth too
...:*opens mouth*
Foxy:*pours the medicine into y/n mouth*
...:*forcefully swallows and gags*it tastes so disgusting*tilts head back forward*
Foxy:*laughs then sits down next to y/n*your fine stop fussing about it, it's over now anyway
Foxy:fine I'll go you can take care of yourself then I assume
Foxy:then stop whining about it it was just medicine it could be worse
...:fine*leans back against the couch then slides sideways and head lands on his lap*
Foxy:*looks down at y/n and smiles*
...:*yawns then falls asleep*
Foxy:that did the trick I guess knocked her out quickly-
Foxy:*rests hand on y/n head then moves hair out of y/n face and strokes side for a minute*
*a loud knocking sound would be heard through the door*
Foxy:*mumbles*who could that even be..?*moves y/n head off of lap then walks towards the door and looks through the peep hole to see who's outside only to see a black hooded figure opens the door*who are you and what do you want?
???:I was wondering if I could stay here?-
Foxy:*mind*the thing is smaller than expected and sounds like a child should I be friendly or cruel choices choices..
???:sir it's cold outside and I have no where to stay
Foxy:*sigh*fine come on just don't wake up the person sleeping on the couch
???:thank you!*walks inside then sits on the other couch removes boots and jacket and looks at him smiling cheerfully*
Foxy:*shuts the door*you want something to eat?
???:that would be nice..-
Foxy:alright*walks into the kitchen*
<~thirty minutes later of cooking the food and the rando kid eating it~>
...:*wakes up and sits up*Mm..
Foxy:oh your awake finally hm?
...:yeah so I had a good sleep sir don't try and judge me for this-
Foxy:I'm not*laughs*
...:so rude
Foxy:they were outside in the cold so I allowed them to come in and warm up if the snow gets worse at all they'll probably have to spend the night here
...:okay then-
(E Mkay I'm excited to make the oc thing so imma cut this thing short with this chapter anyway love you perverts and BYE)

The perverted player fox has a heart(remake foxy x reader  lemon)Where stories live. Discover now