Chapter sixty four

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Your POV:
"Well!? Where is he!" I shouted the officer stared me down I got up opened the door "I'm done here I'm looking for him now." I said I ran out of the room and looked around the area "stop Y/N! We're questioning him right now" I stopped in my tracks I looked around and I saw him in another room I darted over there as fast as I could forcing the door open then running towards him jumping over the table and tackling him hugging him tightly he looked a bit shocked when I looked at him and he hugged me back the officers shouted at me but I didn't hear them in the moment then they pulled me off and out of the room "I'll wait for you.." I said before they slammed the door in my face..I didn't know how to feel I glared at the officers "he didn't do anything to me if you believe that you're all mad!" I scoffed. I looked back into the room he was in he seemed loosened up less tense after I had gone in there and seemed more willing with speaking. "Well we still need a statement on what happened." The officer said as she looked at the ground seemingly a bit embarrassed maybe it was because I had just managed to run in like that but I honestly wouldn't find out, my only concern what was happening in there.
Foxy POV: they kept questioning me, thankfully Y/N got me an ID and I even got a name for myself, Daniel Ben, or whatever. I didn't really care I just had to show my ID to them where I wouldn't have any form of jail time on there I waited as one of them left the room "your little partner is ratting out what you did to them exactly what happened and why they have those bruises from you, wanting to have a little fun then them not wanting so you got forceful with it?" He said I gripped my fists trying to resist to punch him then he slammed his hands against the table "is that how it went down?" He said I shook my head "I didn't do anything." I looked up when I said that "and I won't be speaking unless Y/N is in the room with me." I glared at him, he narrowed his eyes at me, I kept glaring then he eventually walked out of the room I sat in the chair and slightly slouched, it was annoying to have to be seen as the guy who seems to have done something when I'm not even at fault for shit. I looked up the crappy light was flickering it began to annoy me I lowered my head and placed it on the steel table wrapping my arms around my head I sighed I was really pissed off I guess you could say, I heard foot steps coming towards the door I sat my head up and watched the door open, it was Y/N and the officers I felt a bit calmed down when I saw them, Y/N stared at me they came over to me and stood in the corner I looked over to them and one of the officers slammed their hand on the steel table the ping rang in my ears it rang over and over again for a minute "pay attention!" The officer said I stayed calm Y/N had headphones on from what I could tell I gave the officers a cold stare then stated "if I'm not under arrest I can leave." I said the officers glared at me I got up and walked over to Y/N and tapped them on the shoulder lightly they perked up and took the headphones off and tossed it at the officers I put my hands in my pockets as I turned around the officers glared at me I walked out with Y/N, I felt everyone there staring at me I felt like I was alone and eyes were all on me, I became slightly teary eyed I looked at the ground til we got out of there, I sighed heavily "Y/N.. Did you see how they were all looking at me with the staring and crap.?" I quietly asked as I stopped in my tracks, they stopped and went silent "because they don't accept for who you are.." they slowly turned around when they replied quietly, they began to walk over to me and placed their hand on my face as their thumb rubbed my cheek I leaned my head into their hand as I shut my eyes and weakly smiled,they quietly said "'re they won't accept you for it,people in this world won't accept everyone..that's something that'll always happen I know that..but I hope it'll change one day..because your the best thing that's ever happened to me.." they moved their hand away from my head and grabbed my hand as we began to slowly walk home, silent throughout most of the walk, when we had gotten back, I saw freddy what a surprise it was to see him, he never shows up at the house we walked over, freddy turned over to us "theyre shutting the pizzeria down in two years." He said my eyes slightly widened, not only will Y/N lose their job,but my friends might be taken away and I won't be able to see them again, I lowered my head as I hugged him tightly I felt his hands rise a bit as I hugged him I began to cry "we'll figure something out..I promise.."

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