Chapter sixty nine

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Foxy POV:
I stared down letting her sit on my lap while she slept, then realizing how wrong I was to even be seeing her right now, I hugged her tightly I sniffled,This shit show all happened in one night. I prayed for this to just be a horrible nightmare and I was holding her in my arms. Waiting for morning to hit to signal it was over. That they could just leave and never come back, I'd never have to see them again. That's what I believe is best and what I want. Might be what they want too, she'll find someone better. Better than myself I sat up and laid them down away from me. She continued to sleep peacefully I glared at her, I felt torn, I looked at my hand as I balled it up into a tight fist as my hand shook I loosened my grip relaxing my hand, turning my head to her I got up and walked over, I had picked her up as I walked into the office and the time said "6:00am" as the alarm loudly buzzed off I tossed her in the chair and walked out, staring at the ground with a large frown formed upon my face. I had no idea what to do, I care for her at the same time I despise the sight of her. I entered my cove as I sat down grabbing onto my head as I grasped it so tightly, I was so confused. I..I didn't know what to do, I didn't understand how to handle this, my body ached,that's understatement Everything hurts. All I feel is pain, I heard a ruffling sound distant and quiet as I adjusted my posture letting go of my head, I looked outside of my cove as I felt myself wanting to scream. I wanted to scream and just never stop, I sighed and I began to hear.. a thump it was someone walking I had realized, backing away from the curtains so I wouldn't be seen as I pressed my back up against the wall, the door creaked open and I heard someone walking out as the door shut, the click had signalled, no human was in here now. The last one that had left was Y/N.
No one's POV:
Foxy sat in his cove silent, he put his knees up to his chest as he put his head into his knees holding them in place, his tail curled around his feet. He heard thumps, heavy and metallic. When he had adjusted his posture and lifted his head to see who was there, he had seen his friends. He glared at them and scoffed looking back down when freddy narrowed his eyes and said "I hope you know you did this to yourself." He continued with "chica may have tricked you,but you chose to believe her over Y/N and to add on foxy you-." Before he could finish his sentence a large prop was thrown at Freddy, hitting him in the stomach knocking him outside of the cove onto his back, Bonnie shouted "foxy why would you do that?" Foxy looked up at the lavender coloured rabbit he called friend as he said. "I don't know." Meanwhile Y/N was at home on her couch as she stared at the tv, then looked down at her phone, going through her photo gallery as she had stumbled across an old photo of them at the fair. She felt herself become teary eyed, having no willpower to actually delete the photo she left it. As she turned her phone off and took a deep breathe then sighed wiping her eyes away, she turned her phone back on and went into her contacts and selected 'boss.' She called "sir." She said her voice slightly shaken "Yes hello Y/N?" He said confused wondering why she was up so early and not asleep right when her shift had ended "I'd like to try out the day shift tomorrow. If it doesn't work out I would like to transfer to that new location please." She said quietly holding every feeling she had back, that bad gut feeling her stomach "I can see if you can Y/N. ever since mike disappeared I've been more concerned with the employees, the animatronics are harmless so,someone is getting inside and that's happening at the new location Y/N, your okay with this?" He asked her "I am sir." She replied coldly, weeks had gone by and Y/N chose to switch locations, she not wanting to see those animatronics ever again. She switched to a different location. Later finding out, the other location had shut down. She believed the robots were scraped, she felt horrible. "It's..been two weeks.." she mumbled then sighed as she sat down in the chair reaching for the tablet that is connected to the cameras and began to search through them. Not surprised the animatronic animals were walking around, remembering being told to wind up the music box "I wonder what will happen if I don't wind this thing up." You questioned yourself.
Your POV:
I wondered what would happen if I didn't wind up the music box. I didn't know too much about this place, I just did what I was told. I would wind the music box up,then continue on with my shift til I had to wind it up again. As I looked through the cameras I heard a thumping sound, it was coming from the vent I lowered the camera and reached for my flashlight turning it on and pointed it at the vent I saw toy Bonnie, I gave him a small wave and he smiled and crawled out of the vent as I went back to doing my shift, like it was just a normal night for me. I lowered my head as I heard him walk away his footsteps thumping down the hall and eventually fading away,I began to hear another thumping sound,it was heavier and I heard what sounded like something was in pain almost. That's the best way I could describe it,I lowered my camera and said "I swear to god if this is some trick from you balloon boy you are-.."  before I could finish my sentence all I saw was this large puppet. I dropped my camera as I got up "what the hell?" I backed up into the wall as it stared at me, it then lunged at me,I dodged it running down the hallway as I heard this horrifying screaming sound. I ran towards the closest door I could find,the storage room. I ran inside and shut the door locking it and I blocked the vents off, I fell to my knees as I tried to catch my breath,I turned my head to find the light, I saw it and slowly got up, I turned the light on and sighed as I turned around my heart dropped. I saw the old animatronics all of them,broken down and powered off. I stood there silently,when I noticed one of them had started moving,it was freddy I slowly walked over and crouched down "freddy?" I quietly asked, he looked up at me his eyes widened "Y/N?" He sounded muffled and glitched,I replied "Yeah,it's been a bit since we've interacted." I stared at him,I felt sorry for him. I asked "what about the others..?" I questioned "the others?." He said and continued with "I don't know,about foxy,but chica and Bonnie are okay.." he told me,I sighed as I looked around and noticed a tool box and grabbed it,I began to repair freddy,hours flew by and by the time my shift was over he was repaired. I smiled at him weakly "at least it's good to know you and Bonnie are okay.." I mumbled and slowly stood up. He looked up me with a sad look in his eyes "I'm sorry I don't know more about him Y/N." he said, I sighed and shook my head weakly "it's okay..I'll try to figure something out tonight.." I turned and unlocked the storage room as I opened the door and slowly crept out, one of the employees looked at me shocked and said "how'd you survive?" I looked confused at them and asked "what are you talking about?" They looked white as a sheet, they grabbed me by my shoulders and said "the marionette was out,how did it not get you?" I tilted my head confused and not understanding what they meant I then said "why would a puppet come after me?" I asked, they looked at me wildly it was a look of fear. I brushed it off "it's more than just a puppet." They mumbled, I shrugged then turned away and I heard them say "also Vincent had that thing you bought before the last Fazbears pizza was torn down." I turned and raised my eyebrows "what?" I said "but I wasn't even close to being able to-never mind." I turned away and walked out,I was walking home confused and thought 'I didn't have enough money to buy any of them so why did he do that?..and which animatronic is it?' I paused and thought 'would it be..?' Almost with that shred of hope I felt as though I could know he's safe and okay. My walking became faster then I began to run til I had gotten home and I swung my door open then ran inside I looked around and I saw a tall box my eyes glistened with excitement and hope. I ran over and put my hand on the box then patted myself down and took out a pocket knife as I swung the blade open. I slowly starting cutting the tape and box away and I managed to finally open it. I knew it, I was so happy for only a few moments, then I had quickly realized, how this was not a good thing. I felt fear hit me as I sighed then decided to repair the broken fox after many hours of hard work I had finally repaired him. As I sighed and turned then slowly started to walk up the stairs,my body ached, I hadn't felt such pain in what I had considered a while. It felt as if I were fucked til the sun came up, I slowly crept up into my room and was barely able to change out of uniform. I sat down on my bed and sighed, I paused for a moment and then heard a thumping sound. I sat there then sighed "great.." I thought 'he's up and moving now.' I slowly managed to get up and I watched the door swung open I paused and stared, it was him we made eye contact and I didn't say anything his eyes were that bright yellow, his eyes were dead and cold not warm like how I saw them long before. I slowly backed up and never broke eye contact with him, he bent his legs and lunged forward I ducked and he hit the wall and landed on my bed, I backed up and fell over he lifted his head up and turned to look at me I looked at him and continued to try and back up,I struggled but managed to get up clumsily as I turned away and started to run as I made an attempt for the bathroom trying to escape death, which I knew was near impossible to do so, I collapsed,my body ached I was sore. I flipped over onto my back to look back at him, it felt I were prey to a predator, I wasn't going to make it out of this alive. I was now understanding that. I slowly began to back up to the wall with a look of fear in my eyes, he lunged towards me and slammed into the wall, I managed to move away from him and crawl farther away, I tried to get up again then collapsed,my legs felt sore and weak like the rest of my body. My head hit the floor as I felt nothing yet everything at the same time. As everything around me had gone dark,I had passed out.
Nobody's POV:
You woke up in your room and slowly sat up to look around your surroundings and saw a pair of ears as you watched someone slowly sit up, you wiped your eyes and recognized them, you turned away and felt someone pull you in close and rub their head against your back as you felt yourself being pulled closer. You felt yourself being pulled onto something as you turned your head and knew who it was. The person you cared about most was leeching onto you, you felt his hand go between your legs and did a gentle stroking motion between there you let out a small moan and leaned against him as he rested his head against yours making a gentle hum.

The perverted player fox has a heart(remake foxy x reader  lemon)Where stories live. Discover now