Chapter sixty seven

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Foxy POV:
And I pulled them in closer, I rubbed my chin on their head and sighed, I knew this relationship was falling apart, I was afraid to say, I didn't want this to end. I was at fault for why it was, I became teary eyed again, I shivered, I felt them move around at a slow pace that had began to speed up.
Your POV:
I woke up and started to climb off of him, I looked down at the bed awkwardly as I mumbled something under my breathe, he looked at me and asked "what?" I put my hands together as I choked up the words. "I think we need to take a break." I went silent, he didn't respond, when I looked up at him, his eyes were filled with tears, he climbed off the bed and ran out of the room running down the stairs from what I could hear from the thumps and out the front door, I heard the door slam, my head lowered again, it was going to be so quiet in the house now. To not hear him downstairs running around for work or anything just silence. Tears formed as I put my head in my hands, I began to cry.
          <~ two to three weeks later ~>
Your POV:
I crawled off my bed and changed into uniform, I walked out of my room and went into the bathroom, I brushed my hair and tied it back as I washed my face and brushed my teeth, I walked out of the room slowly, walking down the stairs I grabbed my coat and threw it on, along with my boots as I opened the door and began to walk to work, after a while I made it, I checked my phone it said "12:00am" I put it back in my pocket, I walked into the safe room, walking past the cove, my pace sped up I walked into the safe room and sat down on the chair I started looking through the cams, I sighed as I rubbed my eyes I had bags formed under them, I heard thumping sounds I shut the door and heard a bang, I sighed and mumbled "I should not be up right now."
I reopened the door and watched the cams, I looked over through one off the doors, it was chica. I sighed and stared at her she grabbed me by my throat and threw me out of the safe room as I slammed against the wall, I coughed she punched me. I kicked her away, I watched her grunt and walk away, I walked back into the safe room as I lifted up my shirt and started to see a large bruise on my stomach forming, I sighed and continued to watch the cams for around twenty minutes, then I heard shouting? And stomping I looked through the door and I saw bonnie on that side, I looked through the other and I saw foxy sprinting towards the door, I only managed to press one of the buttons before I was tackled and I landed on the ground my cheek hitting against the cold tile, as my face slid against the floor, I passed out

The perverted player fox has a heart(remake foxy x reader  lemon)Where stories live. Discover now