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Oikawa's POV

The ropes are pretty tight but in my panicked state, I don't realize the fact that there's like no chance I'd be able to break free.

The rope burns, adrenaline keeps that fact in the back of my mind. I yank violently at it, probably dislocating at least one of my wrists but I honestly could care less right now... am I bleeding?? I can't look behind myself really but do feel warm liquid seeping down my wrists and all over my hands...

It could've worked as some sort of lubricant (ugh I hate that word) if my wrists weren't so fucking small... my gaze shoots towards my captor who seems to be at a loss for words, why does he look so startled?

"The fuck are you doing??" He asks, gruff voice accusing.

"The fuck are you doing Captain-Chan?" I shoot back, voice laced with venom (and fear...)

"I was gonna try and help you... with your-" I cut him off abruptly,

"I don't need your help-! Why the fuck would I let you fu-" Now it's his turn to cut me off, the rude bastard.

Iwa's POV

Ohh... he thinks I'm gonna- oh god.

"No no, fuck.." I manage to cough out the words, hastily.

"I'm not gonna fucking.. rape you.. god.."

Oikawa's POV

Uh huh... surree that's totally not what he was planning on doing... note the sarcasm.

"You do know that that's exactly what someone trying to rape me would say...." Should I be antagonizing my captor who could change his mind any second now? No. Am I still going to do just that? Yes, of course.


Kay so I've had this saved for a loonggg time and I'm too lazy to add to it rn so I'll just bring this to the next chap.

Sorry that it's so short!!

... I should prob read through this again so I don't make the same mistake I made w/ "Why Are You Doing This?"

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