Chapter Three

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     We came to a stop. Only a few blocks away was our loop. But we needed to stop here, in case any wights found the car. I hoped out of the passenger seat and opened the door to the back. All the children came climbing out. James killed the engine and went to stand behind me. "Our loop is only a few blocks away," James stated. He quickly turned on his heels and started to walk away. "Follow us," was all I said to them before I started to trail behind James. 

     Walking in silence we all stopped right before an antique store. They all looked skeptical. "It's in here?" The bee boy questioned. "Yep." I replied before James opened the door

     The bell rang as we stepped into the warm area. Shelves upon shelves were stacked with things like vintage toys, telephones and really anything that would reside in a normal household. I lead the way to the back of the shop where a rusty old door stood. It read "employees only". Hand on the door knob I spoke, "I'll go in first and James in last. Be careful of the ears. They tend to pop when going through loops." The door knob screeched in my hand as I turned it to the right. Leading the way yet again I stepped through the door, feeling my ears pop.

     I waited outside the shop for the rest of the children to pass through the loop. The only one with me at the moment was the moody one named 'Enoch'. We made everyone slowly go in one by one, as to not attract any attention. I decided to break the awkward silence. "Enoch, is it?" All he did was look at me with a plain expression. "Afraid so," he replied just as more kids stepped out of the shop. Lastly James was out, we started to make our way to the house.

     There we stood in front of the Victorian mansion. It was a beautiful cream white completed with designs on the windows and cut outs on the porch frame. Making our way up the steps, I was about to open the door when it swung open itself. "Oh my dears do come in." Miss Sparrow squawked. We were rushed into the front foyer. "Forgive me for not introducing myself earlier, I am Miss Sparrow," She said with a sigh. "But we must hurry, where is Miss Peregrine?" A little girl holding a trunk that looked like it weighed tons piped up, "I do Miss." She opened her jacket and revealed a bird perched in her pocket. "Oh dear," Miss Sparrow trailed off. "She's in stiff condition but she will recover," she took the bird from the girl and looked to James and I. "You two, take these children to dinner. The rest of the kids are already seated. I'll be there in a few minutes." She turned and walked away, disappearing into a room none of us have been in before.

     I looked at the kids. Their faces were sure bright. I guess Miss Sparrow gave them new hope.

     I turned over to James, deciding what to do next. "I think I'll go wash up before dinner," he spoke, "I'll meet you guys there." Just like he disappeared down a different hallway. I wondered  what was up with him. "You guys must be famished, our dinners here are amazing." I said as we walked down the hall to the dining room. "Lana must've made plenty more since she knew new people were arriving today." I pushed the big oak doors that lead into the dining room. As if on cue everyone turned their heads to take a good look at us. "(Y/N)!" Maurice Yelled, "You're back!" Ezra spoke up. "Where's James?" He questioned. "Cleaning up," was all I said before sitting down. The rest of the children followed my actions and sat down on the mismatched chairs that were placed for them at the table.

     Across from me sat Enoch. To my left was Ezra and my right was Melina. Everyone in the house was fourteen and older. I always found it peculiar we never had any children, but it was fine with me. Ezra was fourteen and Melina fifthteen . I absolutely adored Ezra. He was so kind, and besides James, the person I spent most of my time with. Melina on the other hand not so much. I had nothing against her. But apparently she did with me. Beside Melina sat Maurice. And beside Maurice was the end of the table which is where James sat. Across from him would be Miss Sparrow,at the head of the table. Beside Ezra and Miss Sparrow is where Lana sat. The entire other side of the table was occupied with Miss Peregrine's wards.

     The huge oak doors opened up and in came Miss Sparrow and James. Just as they sat down from across each other Lana came through the kitchen door to tell us dinner was served. "(Y/N), would you mind helping me bring in the trays? I made too much for me to carry all by myself!" Lana sang in her sweet soft voice. I swung the kitchen doors open and used two hands to carry two silver trays. One in each hand. Lana used two hands to carry one big silver platter, which I presumed was a turkey. We went to place down the trays on the tables. A handful of voices cheered things such as "thank you Lana" or "thanks a bunch".

     Lana and I sat down in our respected seats. There wasn't one moment of silence the entire time. It was either Miss Sparrow asking questions,the children answering them or one of our wards doing the talking. By the end of dinner I knew everyone's name and their peculiarity. Turns out the bee boy's name was Hugh and the little girl who carried Miss Peregrine was named Bronwyn. There was also Emma, the hazel eyed girl, who was lighter than a feather and Fiona who could seedsprot.

     After supper ended, all the kids were shown into rooms. There wasn't enough for all to have their own so they had to bunk. It was late and my eyes started to get heavy. I said goodnight to everyone, crawled into bed and drifted off into a peaceful slumber.  

ɢᴏᴏᴅ ʟᴏᴏᴋɪɴɢ (Enoch O'Connor x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now