Part 4

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~ meeting new people ~




Wake up!! It's time! We need to go to the train station!! Hurry up and get ready so you won't be late" My Mum said shaking me awake. I sat up and noticed that it was almost 10:30.. We needed to be at the train station at around 11am or I wouldn't be able to ride the Hogwarts express. I ran straight down, where I saw my Mum and Dad standing in the doorway holding my white and brown owl who I'd named Pippin and two big trunks. Once my parents saw me rushing down, they both ran straight to the car and we drove off to the train station. It was a 15 minute drive but we just barely made the call time "Honey look at the time!! We must hurry now to Platform 9¾." I looked around as we stood between platform 9 and 10. Platform 9¾ didn't seem to exist.. My Mum ushered my Dad towards the wall. Holding the trolly carrying my trunks and cage, he ran straight to the wall and disappeared. I was amazed! There was an entrance!! My Mum then looked at me and held my hand. She said "Let's go together. In 3...2...1 GO" We both ran with all our might right towards the wall. I was expecting to fall back but I didn't. When I opened my eyes, there was a guy on the station telling me to hurry up. I hugged my parents and waved at them as I boarded the train.

As I walked along the corridor, I noticed the train was composed of different compartments all filled with students all laughing and talking. I wasn't paying attention to where I was going until I fell over "I am so sorry!! Are you okay?'' I looked up at a girl with frizzy, untamable dark hair, brown eyes. She offered her hand and said "Hi! I'm Hermione Granger, and you are? Wait..! Are you that new student everyone's been talking about?!" ''Hi! I- yes.. I am the new student.. Well it's nice to meet you my name is-'' I was interrupted by a guy with ginger red hair "Hermione hurry up will you- who is this?" "Ron! This is the new student! Stop being so rude, anyways sorry your name was?" "Oh I'm y/n!" ''Ohh you're the Beauxbatons girl that moved to Hogwarts.." "Uh yes that's me.. how did you guys know I was coming?" "Oh well our headmaster sent us owls that there will be a new student coming, would you like to join us?" asked Hermione with a welcomed but embarrassed tone "Sure!" I followed them to the last compartment where I saw a guy with black hair and bright green eyes already seated. "Harry, this is y/n. She's the new student Dumbledore told us about.'' The boy then looked at me and smiled "Oh! Nice to meet you y/n. I'm Harry, Harry Potter." ''Nice to meet you" we shook hands and all sat down. Eventually curiosity seemed to get the best of them and they started to ask me questions about why I moved and such. They were very nice, welcoming and easy to talk to.. I think I might like this new school.. 

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