Part 12

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~ the memory ~




I was running to Gryffindor tower when I bumped into someone. It was Dumbledore.. "Ah y/n! I have been looking all over for you. Your friends are in my office if you want to come with me." he said with a smile. I was amazed that he knew I was looking for them so I smiled and followed him up the spiral staircase past the statue of a griffin. Once we reached the top, I saw the trio sitting down each of them bearing a worried expression. Dumbledore sat on his seat and gestured for me to sit beside Ron. "Now y/n, it has been brought to my attention that you have been obliviated." "What does that mean Professor..?" Harry asked. "It means someone stripped a part of your memories Mr. Potter, as to why I have asked you here y/n. To help you remember that certain moment." Dumbledore flicked his wand and everything came back.

I remember now.. Cho took my memory the time we met in the Forbidden Forest and told me it was Cedric who gave me those letters. It all makes sense now.. Why she's been acting weird, why she's been angry with me and everything in between. We thanked Dumbledore and walked out of his office.

"Do you remember what happened y/n? Are you alright?" they asked in worried tones. "I'm fine and I do remember.." "What do we do now?" asked Ron "There isn't exactly anything we can do now.." Hermione replied. We all stood in silence. "Guys.. earlier today, Cedric came up to me and turns out he was the one writing all those letters. He asked me through a rose, look." I brought out the rose and showed them.. Their eyes widened at the sight of the message written across the back. "Well, since we know it's him, we can help you get ready for this date then." Hermione beamed. We ran to my dorm where Hermione looked through possible outfits as Harry and Ron rated them. 

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