Part 15

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~yule ball~




As the bell rang signaling the end of Herbology, everyone rushed off with their friends to their own dorms. All the girls started fixing their hair, doing their makeup, putting on their dresses and accessories.. I was starting to get a little insecure.. "y/n! Are you ready?" my friends called out. You stared down at your beautiful emerald green dress, feeling nervous as ever. Cho and Hermione walked over "Merlin's beard, you look beautiful! Now, can we please get moving? I feel like the ball is about to end." You laughed at Hermione's comment "Fine, fine" grinning wildly at her. As I walked down the steps with all of my friends, I noticed Malfoy talking to another student.

Sighing slightly, I walked around the Hall and tried to spot Cedric. I bumped into a few people until I saw Cedric in his dress robes. My cheeks reddened as my friends giggled and left me to find their dates. I slowly walked facing Cedric's back until I jumped on him, startling him for a second. I started to laugh at his small flinch and spun me around, holding my waist "There's my date.. I thought you ditched me." he said grinning. We both started to laugh until McGonagall approached us and said "Come on now. It's tradition for the Champions to have the first dance." We walked down the aisle, hand in hand as I whispered into his ear "Sorry in advance if i step on you.. I don't really know how to dance." and by the time I'd finished my sentence, we were in the center of the room. He winked at me, put his hand on my waist and held my hand in the other. As we held hands waiting for the music to start, our bracelets connected and I started to smile.

The music played and he led me. He would spin me around after one or two steps as I whispered "Seems like someones been practicing their moves." "Of course! I needed to impress my date." We continued dancing together as more couples joined us till eventually we got tired and Cedric asked if I wanted a drink. I requested for punch and off he went.

While I was waiting for Cedric to come back, every person that previously asked me (well except Viktor Krum) came up to me and asked for a dance. Every round it would be different. First it was Neville, then Harry, then Goyle, then a few of the Beauxbatons boys and some Durmstrangs as well until Malfoy came up to me and asked to dance. It made me a bit sad when he told me he wasn't enough and I deserved better but I'm glad I still have my best friend. We danced for a few more rounds till Cedric came back and asked for my last dance. After the last song, my feet were so so sore as I sat down beside Hermione, Cho and Pansy who were all red and giggly not realizing that our dates were staring at us, smiling.

Slowly each of us retired to our dorms, saying our goodbye to our dates. Most of my friends had gone when Cedric held my waist, spun me around and kissed me on the check. He reached over and gave me a letter. "I'll see you tomorrow Love!" and with that he gave me a kiss on the cheek as I ran to my dorm to read the letter.

"Today was so much fun! I can't wait to make more memories with you.. I know Malfoy was your first love but I promise you, I intend to be your last <3 - Love always D"

I knew that I would never forget this moment and I couldn't imagine what my life would be like if I hadn't moved...

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