Part 5

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~the different houses~




The entire ride to Hogwarts was a surprisingly really fun. Hermione and Ron explained to me the different houses of Hogwarts "There are 4 houses that Hogwarts students are sorted into. Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin." They kept going on but I wasn't fully paying attention to be completely honest because all I could think about were my friends back at Beauxbatons. The train stopped, everyone stood up and started putting on their robes "Go on, get ready.. We'll see you in the Great Hall" and before I could say anything they were gone.. So I put on my robes and got off the train as a tall and bushy haired guy came up and introduced himself to me "Ello, I'm agrid, the gamekeeper, keeper ah keys and grounds ere ah ogwarts.. I ben waiting for you to arrive. Well come on then! Dumbledore ben waitin for ya." He walked up the stairs, opened a huge door for me and gestured for me to come in. I followed him in and heard a man say my name out loud "May we please welcome, y/n y/l/n! She will be moving here at Hogwarts from Beauxbatons Academy and I do hope you all welcome her."

Everyone was staring at me as I walked down the center of the Great Hall. Hagrid sat in the front left alongside other people who I assume are the rest of the staff and I was left standing in the middle for all to stare at.. I looked around and caught eye contact with a boy. He was blond, pale faced and wore a green robe. We looked at each other for a moment before I looked away. A lady stood up from the teachers table and gestured for me to sit on the stool right beside an old, worn out hat. I sat down and the hat was placed on my head...

I heard a raspy voice "Ahhh, a Beauxbatons girl. Hmm you are intelligent and cunning." I could hear students whispering and staring at me interestingly as the hat shouted "Well, best be we must put you in.. SLYTHERIN'' The table all dressed in green to my right all stood up and cheered. These same students stood up and made space for me. I noticed that it was the same table as the boy I had eye contact with earlier... I walked to the table and sat across from the pale boy. He looked up and gave me a smile "Hi, I'm Malfoy, Draco Malfoy- and this is Crabbe and Goyle and that's Blaise" He said pointing at the guy beside me and before he could continue his sentence, a girl looked at me and said "I'm Pansy Parkinson. It's lovely to meet you." They started introducing me and asking me more questions when Dumbledore stood up and told us it was time for class to start. I stood up with the rest of the Slytherin house but Dumbledore called out my name "y/n please stay, no need for you to join classes today. You have the day to look around Hogwarts and explore the grounds. I asked Miss Chang here to guide you around." He looked at a really pretty girl behind Dumbledore. She had a freckled nose, long, shiny dark hair with bangs and was wearing blue. "Hi! It's nice to meet you, I'm Cho. I'm from Ravenclaw and I'd be pleased to bring you around." she said smiling at me. I smiled back and looked at the headmaster. "Well off you two go then!" Dumbledore replied as Cho and I walked out of the Great Hall.

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