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A/n-The no capitals thing is intentional but also v annoying sorry lmao I'm not gonna do it again

there was someone in my bed.

okay, that was not exactly an unusual occurrence for me (and it wasn't exactly my bed--or room). however, i knew this person because i had seen him many a time.

i had seen him many a time on thE FUCKING TELEVISION.

how or why the fuck was luke hemmings in my bed? i wasn't complaining (obviously) , but the previous night was a blur to me and how i had convinced the luke hemmings to sleep with me was a mystery.

god, i hope i hadn't drugged him.

i reached over the side of the bed and grabbed whatever shirt was lying there. it was a blue jersey for some sort of sports team. the canadian syrups or dallas dawgs, i had no fucking idea. i pulled it over my head, now i looked like a hobo so that would be great when luke woke up to see me.

scratch that-- if luke saw me.

i think we'd both be better off if i just left because this situation reeked of illegal and i did not feel like being arrested.

so i gathered my belongings (a pair of black puma socks--what the fuck did I wear last night?) and began to head out the door. not before taking a few selfies of me and luke first, though. he was so cute when he slept, what was i supposed to do?

there was also a notable amount of sand in my socks which i kind of just poured on Luke's floor (sorry). i don't think he'll mind very much, sand was all over his bed too. And my hair.?

i don't think i want to know what happened last night.

i made for the door again, trying to make myself look more presentable. i ran a hand through my hair, but then it got caught.

"curse this tangly hair," i mumbled angrily and basically ripped half my hair out. my hand was free finally and i took a quick look at what had gotten caught. it was just a plastic diamond ring, so i shrugged it off.

except, i don't own any plastic diamond rings. and i most definitely didn't wear them on my fourth finger of my left hand if i did have any.

uhm. what da fuq?

i ran over to the bed to see luke rubbing his face with his hand. his left hand. which also had a ring on it.

yeah i definitely do not want to know what happened.

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