Chapter 2

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   AFTER James and Thalia concluded that the prefect meeting was over, she and James stayed behind to assign partners for patrols and establish personal rules as the other prefects went about patrolling the train.

   "Just for fun, I'm going to put the people that look good together with each other and hopefully they'll end up as a couple." Thalia said, mischievously.

   "Yeah, you and I together sound great." James said, grinning widely.

   "I'll pass on that offer." Thalia said, cooly.

   "Oh come on! We act so cool around each other! We have been friends for ages! Why don't you want to go out with me!" James said, exasperatedly, mildly flinching at the word 'friends'.

   "Because I just simply don't like you like that, James. Be thankful I haven't blown up on you yet." Thalia said calmly.

   "One, ouch... Two, how could you resist such a handsome face. Three, you're too Hufflepuff to snap at me."

   "Wanna try me?" Thalia said, raising her eyebrows challengingly.

   James took one look at Thalia's daunting grin, and immediately was intimidated, "No thanks, Love. Rather not take my chances."

   "You should be helping me pair these people up, Potter."

   "Okay, okay! Fine, whatever."

   "How you got chosen as Head Boy? I'll never know."

   "Well Minnie obviously wanted us to share a dorm together and have a little fun while we're at it."

   "Whatever helps you sleep at night."

   "You in my bed will help me sleep at night."

   "Keep dreaming, Potter."

   "As long as you're in them."


   After a long while of constant playful bickering between the lion and the badger, they were finally done pairing the prefects, and the two went their separate ways.

Thalia made her way back to Kristen and Samuel, while James headed over to where he was sitting with Lysander Scamander, Dominque Weasley, and Mark Ash-Wood (Kristen's biological twin brother.)

When he opened the compartment door, he was immediately attacked by Dominque. "Did she reject you again?"

"Sadly..." he replied.

"You're totally whipped, mate, and it's only going to get worse because you're going to share a dorm with her," Mark laughed.

James had been looking forward to this moment for forever. How he became Head Boy was a mystery to all, but it was practically pure luck that he was to now share a dorm room with the most beautiful girl to ever exist. Let's be honest, James Potter shouldn't have been Head Boy considering how immature he is and how much trouble he causes around the castle. But Cupid Headmasters exist and boy, do they love to pair their favorite future couples together. Honestly it's become a game at this point.

"Please do not talk about my sister, mate. And don't be a pervert; while you may be in love with her, she's still a human being and my sister," Lysander groaned at the thought of his own sister and James in a dorm together.

"I know, I know, Icky-Ly-Ly," James said as he ruffled Lysander's curly hair to which he groaned.

"Least she hasn't slapped you or anything yet!" Mark said, placing a hand on his shoulder in comfort. "Just be nice to her, and she will be down on her knees in no time—ow!"

Mark flinched when Lysander slapped his face. "Don't talk about my sister like that!"

"Anyway," Mark continued, "We are gonna help you get the girl. And if she doesn't want you... then she's an idiot for that—ow—will you stop hitting me!"

"Then don't call my sister an idiot!" Lysander snapped.

"Sometimes I swear you act like the older brother," Dominque mumbled.

Suddenly, the compartment door slid open, revealing two redheads, Rose Weasley and Lily Potter.

"I swear to Godric, James, if you annoy Thalia one more time—and I mean just one more time—I will hex you into the next century," Lily snapped.

"I literally just asked her out. That's all." James said, putting his arms up in defense.

"You're literally never going to get Thalia if you keep up with the way you're acting," Lily sighed.

"You're too cocky for your own good James. Maybe try something sweet rather than creating a big show all the time," Rose suggested.

"But he shouldn't have to change who he is for her," Dominque added. "Plus, this is James' real personality—outgoing and confident—not just a show."

   "Well, I dunno, Dom, seeing as I don't really know much about love, but Thalia sees James as nothing more than a brother and a friend as of now, so he obviously is doing something wrong," Rose said, sheepishly. "Let's go Lily." And with that Rose took Lily's hand and left the compartment.

   Eventually the scarlet train pulled up to the infamous Hogsmeade Station after many long hours. All the students darted off and immediately James' eyes landed on her.

   The beautiful Thalia Scamander was walking in between Samuel and Kristen with her arms wrapped around both their shoulders. He couldn't stop staring at the way her eyes shone as she laughed. He loved her beautiful bright smile—her teeth as white as snow—and he fell deeper in love with her every time her melodious laugh spilled out of her soft pink lips, which not to mention—looked gorgeously kissable.

   Merlin, her hair. He could just go on and on about her hair. Her soft curly golden hair fell loosely on her shoulders, framing her face perfectly. Oh how he wished that he could run his fingers through those silky locks. Whenever he stood near the girl, James could always smell her delicate lavender aura as he melted into the heavenly scent.

   He was snapped out of his dreamy state by Lysander snapping his fingers in front of the enchanted boy's face. "Hey! Hey! Stop getting all googly-eyed at my sister!"

   "Shut up, Lysander." Dominque said. "James, over here, is just in love."

   And that he definitely was.

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