Chapter 3

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"100 GALLEONS that Headmistress McGonagall will revoke Potter's Head Boy title before the first week ends." Samuel joked as he and Thalia sat at the Hufflepuff table together, completely ignoring the sorting.

"That's a whole load of money that you're getting on." Thalia said.

"Bet?" Samuel pressed.

"I'm good. I'd rather not end up broke within the first week of school, thanks." Thalia said as she playfully rolled her eyes.

After the last student was sorted, McGonagall stepped up, about to start her 'Start-Of-Term-Speech' only to buy cut off by James Potter.

Everyone looked to see James standing on top of the Gryffindor table. "THALIA SCAMANDER! WILL YOU DO THE HONOR OF GOING OUT WITH ME TO HOGSMEADE!" He hollered-along with the Sonorus Charm, the amplifying charm, that made his voice echo loudly throughout the Great Hall as colorful fireworks started bursting out of nowhere.

Everyone started laughing as they turned to Thalia waiting for an answer. Knowing that this was her time to shine, Thalia stood up from her seat and propped herself up onto the table. She muttered, "Sonorus" to amplify her voice before she spoke.

"HOW ABOUT NO!" She yelled, at a very rejected looking James Potter.

The entire Great Hall bursted out into laughter and hollers while the teachers shook their heads, all amused by the silly interaction. McGonagall smiled to herself as she thought about the couple that acted exactly the same around 40 or so years ago-James and Lily. Oh how she missed them, terribly.

McGonagall cleared her throat, and the laughter started to die down as she started her speech which Thalia definitely did not pay attention to at all.

Dinner flew by quickly, as well as the prefect meeting and patrolling. By the time Thalia and James trudged their way up to the Headmistress's office, they were both extremely exhausted. As they approached the griffin, James muttered the password, and the two stepped on the top step of the stairs as they started to raise themselves.

"Ah, Ms. Scamander, Mr. Potter, there you two are! I have several things to discuss with you about your new Head titles, so please do take a seat." McGonagall greeted, as she gestured for the badger and the lion to take the two seats in front of her desk.

"Hello, Professor," James and Thalia addressed.

"Now, as you both know the roles of Head Boy and Head Girl are not to be taken lightly. You must set an example for the rest of the school. That means no disruptions, childish, salacious, or any immature behavior from the both you, especially you Mr. Potter," The older woman stared, "You will meet with the prefects twice a week to go over schedules and morale of the house. Are you following along?"

"Yes, Professor." The two said in unison.

"In the letter you two received, I am sure both you know the basic rules of Head Boy and Girl. You both are now to be the role models and the image of the entire Hogwarts population, so I entrust that the two of you set a good example. This means no wreaking havoc around the castle-I'm talking to you Mr. Potter. Do you understand?"

Both student nodded in confirmation,

"Now, there are several other things I would like to say.

"One, you will be sharing a dorm, I expect that you will behave with respect and consider each other's privacy within your private quarters. Should any problems arise, please come to me immediately, though I do trust that both of you will be cautious. Your private quarters will be located on the East Wing of the castle behind the Pheonix portrait. Your password will change every week, and this week it is 'Eneverate'.

"Second, you two will be tasked with planning the annual ball in celebration of the defeat of Voldemort on May 2. The ball is specifically held for 7th years and prefects only.

"Third, seeing as you both are Quidditch Captains, I'll save some time with your Heads of House and I have your Quidditch tryout schedules all ready to go. They will be posted in the house common rooms tomorrow.

"Any questions?"

"No professor." James and Thalia said.

"Alright then. I believe that is all I have for you tonight. Have a good night's rest the two of you."

"Thank you, Professor. Have a good night." James said, getting up to walk back to their new dorms.

Thalia trailed behind him out of the office and they walked in silence down the corridor.

As they reached the Pheonix portrait, Thalia muttered the password before stepping into the common room as James followed in suit.

Both retreated over to their respective rooms where they found their trunks ready for them and shut their doors for bed.

As Thalia was sleeping peacefully in under her silk sheets in her large cozy bed, James quietly left his room and approached her door and whispered a soft and gentle 'goodnight,' quiet enough so she wouldn't hear it but loud enough that the universe would.

Maybe one day she would love him back.

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