Chapter 15

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THALIA stood alone on the Potter Manor balcony in the brisk chilly weather, confused on what the hell had just happened.

So apparently the present wasn't a prank... but why did James act the way he did when he found out that she didn't open the gift?

What was even in the gift?

Why did he care about it so much?

Why was it even so significant?

But more importantly... the kiss.

She had actually kissed back. She kissed James Potter-the boy whom she had tried to avoid for the longest time, and now she fell for him-wait... did she?

Had she fell for him really?

Or was it in the spur of the moment?

But Thalia couldn't ignore the fact that her heart thundered in her chest every time she thought about him or that she sneak a look when he wasn't paying attention.

She ventured back into the party feeling absolutely terrible, immersed in her thoughts with a side of guilt.

Thalia tried looking for James to talk about what had just happened but the Gryffindor was nowhere to be found.

Maybe all her questions will be answered in time.


Eventually, the party started dying out, and the Scamander's decided to head home.

Thalia immediately sprinted up to her bedroom where she instantly scanned her room to find the box that James had sent her.

And there she remembered that she had put it in her dresser, hidden away.

Thalia flipped through her clothes and found it. She smiled lightly to herself and sat on her bed where she proceeded to unwrap the gift and open the box.

Inside lay a small yet extremely elegant and beautiful amber locket and a snow globe. She pulled out the locket, grinning from ear-to-ear and the dazzling gift, and opened the flap to reveal a memory that brought tears to Thalia's eyes.

It was when the two were just toddlers-no more than five-and the two were fooling around in the snow. The toddler versions of James and Thalia were throwing snowballs at each other, smiling brightly as they messed around with each other in the icy weather.

The moving picture made Thalia's heart swell at the memory of the nostalgic times.

She then turned her attention to the snow globe. Inside was the exact same memory, and of course, it was moving.

There were two figurines, one with brown hair and the other with blonde, and they both moved about making a snowman, and Thalia couldn't help but laugh at the cheesiness of the gift.

Sure, it was cheesy, but it was a memory that Thalia loved and missed. A time when things weren't so complicated-before love and feelings.

Thalia felt weird.

When Thalia saw him, it was as if space and time had stopped to only revolve him and her.

Just him and her.

She absolutely adored watching his on his broomstick, playing Quidditch-his curly hair getting blown back against the wind as he soared around on the Quidditch pitch.

His laugh was loud, and it always boomed so thunderously that even America could probably hear it.

Was it obnoxious? No... his entrancing laugh took over her whole body the moment it would reach her ears.

She loved his playfulness and his recklessness. She loved his stupid little pranks that the teachers would literally murder him for.

She secretly loved the little things he did even though she had always claimed to find it very annoying. Like when he would randomly carry her book bag for her, when he hold open the door for her, or even just when he sent his little love notes in class.

No matter how many times Thalia had rejected him and blown him off, she had kept every single one-every letter and every note.

And after 5?-maybe 6?-who really has counted the days and years?

Whatever the amount of time, James Sirius Potter has liked Thalia Scamander... maybe now it was time for him to celebrate because he had finally got his wish to come true.

Who knows how many coins James had to throw into those fountains or wells, but it happened...

Because it was now that Thalia Scamander realized...

She loved James.

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