Lesson 12: Hacking

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Lesson 12: Hacking

"So how was your date with that pretty boy?" Kole asked in our training session, sweat on his brow from the intensity of the workout routine.

I whacked a punching bag. "How'd you hear about that?"

He sent me a flat stare which I just about caught from the corner of my eye. "The guy is the son of a retired supermodel and a multimillion-dollar business mogul. His sister is one of the most coveted models in the world and he has close ties with celebrities like Damien Beckett. Do you really think no one has ever taken a picture of him whilst he's out and about?"

I raised a brow. "Someone sounds like a bit of a fanboy."

Kole stopped doing sit-ups, his face a bit pink and I doubted that it was only from the exercise. "I- what- n-no. His sister is hot as shit to be fair but no. Henry told me. There are pictures of you guys all over Twitter."

"Henry? That little snitch! Either way, it doesn't matter. He gets pictured with loads of girls," I shrugged.

"I don't know, Jaia. You two looked pretty cosy if you ask me. Singing karaoke together and then snogging him after? I didn't mark you as the type. Especially considering that I thought you hated the guy after you found out about what Henry had dug up. Didn't you call him an 'arrogant rich pretty boy who only cares about himself'?"

I rolled my eyes. "Oh fuck off. I had to sell the act. He's the best way to get closer to Jacob."

Kole narrowed his eyes. "Mmhhh sure. I don't think even you can act that well. What changed your opinion on him?"

I kicked the punching bag so hard that it almost toppled over and Kole's eyes went slightly wide at the action. "Nothing has changed my opinion. I'm sure he's probably still arrogant. No one is hot, rich, charming and nice. Something has gotta give."

"Oh, you think he's nice?" Kole teased using a high pitched girly voice. "Spill." As much as he was trying to mock me, I knew he was curious.

"Shut up," I laughed, the tension leaving my body at his ridiculous attempt at a teenage girl voice. "I just don't get it, Kole. I was ready to hate him. He's a player, it's obvious. But he's nice and funny too? He doesn't seem like a bad guy."

Kole shook his head, getting up from the floor to pat me on the shoulder. "Jaia, Jaia, Jaia. Surely Celine taught you better than this? It's an act all the pretty boys put on to get in your pants. You know once he gets what he wants he'll be gone before you can blink. Don't get attached."

I scowled at him, crossing my arms. "I know that, Kole. I haven't gotten attached. He's a means to an end. I only went out with him for the mission's sake."

"It always starts as 'just part of the mission'. Keep your guard up, okay? You're like my little sister, Jay and Zack screams trouble. I don't want you getting hurt." His tone had lost the snarkiness it'd previously held and was softer now, more gentle.

I pushed Kole's hand off my shoulder. "Kole, I'm twenty-one, not a child. I've dealt with guys like this before. I know what I'm doing so you don't need to worry."

"I'll always worry, Jay."

I smiled slightly, savouring the moment before punching him in the stomach. He doubled over in pain. "What the fuck?"

"Sorry," I grinned. "That all got a little too mushy for me. Besides, you deserve that for thinking I can't handle myself."

He scoffed, shoving me into the punching bag. "Whatever, Jaia. Also, did I mention that you look particularly ugly today?" he mused, smiling.

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