Lesson 3: Goodbyes

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Lesson 3: Goodbyes

I was on my way to Luca's office, the magnolia walls of the corridor encasing me almost as if preventing an escape. I entered the room without knocking this time because Luca had told me to go straight inside when I bumped into him downstairs, saying that he'd join me shortly.

I sat down in the plush seat opposite his desk, impatiently awaiting his arrival. This was going to be about that mission me mentioned to me a week ago, I just knew it.

A lifetime seemed to pass before he crossed the threshold into the carpeted room when in reality it had only been a few minutes. Luca walked tall and proud, his strides large and calculated and his posture perfect, always sharp and alert, ready for action.

"Cara mia, how are you?" he asked warmly, sitting down behind his desk.

"Pretty good, thank you. And you?"

He smiled, waving me off. "As good as can be expected. But Giovanni and Emilio have been driving me crazy. Even Maria is getting agitated."

"What have they done this time?" I asked, covering my smirk with my hand.

"They were supposed to be babysitting their cousin, Adriana, but you know what they're like. Let's just say it didn't go to plan," he trailed off with a shake of his head. "It's a wonder those boys are related to me."

Gio was Luca's and Maria's son and Emilio was their nephew. They loved them both unconditionally but the boys did love to rile them up from time to time.

I let a small laugh past my lips and Luca rolled his eyes, clearing his throat. "Anyway, there's a reason I called you here, cara mia." I nodded, waiting for him to continue, dying to know about this 'mission' he had planned.

"You're seventeen now Blair and so I think you're ready. As I'm sure you'll have heard, we've been having a few run-ins with MI5 lately," he told me, clearly irritated by that fact.

Again, I nodded, remembering that Gio and Emilio had mentioned this a while back. "Well, I've had enough and it's time we put a stop to their meddling," he took in a sharp breath, preparing himself for what he was about to say. "I need you to infiltrate MI5 as an agent."

My mouth dropped open in shock. Snapping it shut, I sat up straighter, realising how serious this mission was. And dangerous. Perfect.

Luca watched me closely, gauging my reaction. When he saw I was calm he carried on. "I know you're only young but you're the perfect fit, cara mia, especially seeing as we adopted you. You're not of Italian blood and it's well known that our mafia never branches out from family. You are the only exception. They'd never suspect a thing."

I listened to each of his words intently, noting every sound.

"There's quite a lot of logistics to this mission but I've got everything planned out," he paused, gulping. For the first time in my entire life, Luca looked vulnerable and worried. About me?

"Blair, you know you're like a daughter to me, the child I never had." Take that Gio. "So if this is too much for you I understand. I couldn't live with myself if I forced you into a mission this dangerous."

A soft smile graced my lips as I shook my head at him. "You know that I've wanted to go on an insanely dangerous mission with huge risks. This is what I've been waiting for," I told him, barely able to contain my excitement.

He seemed hesitant but when he saw the determination in my eyes it quickly vanished, replaced by a look of immense pride. "I knew there was a reason you were my favourite," he grinned. In your fucking face, Gio.

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