Lesson 6: Recruitment

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Lesson 6: Recruitment

I jolted awake at the sound of my phone ringing. For fucks sake, I never usually forgot to put it on silent before bed.

As I blinked my eyes open, last night's events came rushing back to me in a flurry and I bolted upright, immediately jumping out of bed, my annoyance long forgotten.


I was in my room. What had happened? How had I gotten here?

Unfortunately, I didn't have any time to ponder my thoughts thanks to the incessant pestering of my ringtone. Sighing, I answered it but stiffened as I heard what the speaker said. "Hello, this is the hospital. Is Jaia Prescott present?" a soft-spoken woman asked, sounding grave.

"This is she."

"We need you to come down right away. Your parents... well, they've gotten into a car accident." Shit, of course. How had I actually forgotten?

This was the next part of this mission but this idea was all Luca's. I wasn't opposed to it at the time but I had grown fond of Julie and Mike and it pained me for this to happen to them. They'd been loyal to the mafia for over twenty years but even that wasn't enough to save them in the end.

"What?" I asked in a horrified voice. I really should've considered going into acting. "Are... are they okay?"

The woman sighed deeply, sounding solemn. "I'm afraid not. The accident was very serious."

I let a sob escape my lips before composing myself. "I... I'll be r-right there."


With mascara smeared cheeks, I rushed in through the wide hospital doors, a mortified look on my face as I ran up to the lady sitting behind the desk. We exchanged brief words, her looking at me in pity before telling me to take a seat. Apparently, Julie and Mike had been rushed into immediate surgery but their chances of survival didn't look good.

I played my part well, sitting with my head in my hands as I waited anxiously for any news. In reality, I felt horrible about this happening to them as they really didn't deserve such a cruel fate but there was nothing to be done. Luca had made the decision and once that happened there was no changing his mind. Besides, there were more pressing issues on my mind at the moment like how the hell I had ended up back in my bedroom.

The last things I remembered were defeating those two agents with Miles and then rescuing that little boy. After that everything went black. The next thing I knew, I was tucked all cosy in my bed, waking up to the sound of my ringtone. Something wasn't right and not knowing the whole truth didn't sit well with me.

But alas, no matter how hard I tried I just couldn't fit the pieces together. Nothing was making sense.


Unless Miles was involved in some way. Could he have knocked me out and brought me back home? But that didn't make any sense either. Why and how would he have achieved that? What would have been the point?

Although it sounded crazy and far fetched it was the only somewhat logical explanation I could come up with unless I had somehow teleported back home which I highly doubted. There was also the possibility that I'd dreamed the whole ordeal but the forming purplish bruises on my left side and arm were a clear indicator that I hadn't.

"Miss Prescott," the same receptionist called a few hours later and I snapped my head up, looking fearful but alert. "Dr Stine would like to speak with you. If you could please make your way to ward eleven."

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