DAY TWO: Drunk Gog Pog- Jokes it's so not pog.

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Con date day two, 3:13AM

George couldn't sleep. He couldn't stop thinking about ever feature and every detail of Clay's face. He wished that it wasn't too... creepy that he keeps thinking about this dude that he met two days ago. What the fuck is wrong with me. George thought as he turned to the other side of the empty and cold king sized bed for what felt like the nth time that night. And he helped us with the SMP thing too... Sapnap and Bad were so happy. George groaned, annoyed that he couldn't sleep and turned onto his back, sprawed on the bed for a while before he sat up and turned on the lights, running a hand down his face, and swinging his legs off the bed.

George stood up, and went to his laptop, turning the top up and turning the device on to see that Sapnap was online on discord. He hesitantly called him. At this point, it was already 3:30am.

"Yellow? Hey mamas?" Sapnap answered, obviously in his tired state.

"Hey mamas?" George gave a half hearted laugh. "Okay- Sap, is it kinda weird to fall in love with someone after two days of meeting them?"

"...Gogy what the fuck." Sapnap deadpanned.

"Just answer the question Sapnap!" George screamed at the person on the phone, but kept in check of the volume and time.

"Yeah, well-" The call fell silent. "George how am I supposed to know- But probably yes? It's weird to fall in love with someone you met two fucking days ago. I mean I wouldn't know, I'm single as fuck. Go ask Bad."

"Hah- why? Skep?"



"Aw dang it." The call fell silent again. "Hey, describe them."

"He has..."


A man with blond hair with soft curls, freckles that spread across his face like stars, probably huggable as fuck, green eyes that looked like emeralds in the glow of the sunrise, and a smile that could make me swoon with no fucking problem, glowing as bright as the days that I had spend with him.

Back to the call

"Is it Dream?" Sapnap deadpanned.







"AH SHUT UP!" George leaned forwards, facepalming to hide his bushing face from no one, and resting his face in his hands. "Clay- he's nice. He's cute."



"You're hopeless."


"Am I wrong?"



"No?" Georeg said before laughing again. "No."

"See?" Sapnap laughed too.

"Ugh..." George groaned, embarrased.

"I bet you're blushing right now-"


Sapnap wheezes.

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