DAY ONE: Meet and greet, cafe and a SMP.

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Word Count: 2455

Knock knock knock!

"Coming..." George was tired. Tired of what, you may ask?


He was just tired.


Cause a certain someone with a smile brighter than the sun, and giggles and laughs cuter than a fucking puppy was running through his mind. He couldn't stop think about his emerald green eyes, along with the neon green hoodie with a smiley face that he wore that matched perfectly. Also his jawline, shoulders and muscles, that pushed against his fashion sense-

"Gog?" Dream asked, and George snapped out of his thoughts. He had been standing there, holding his room door open, completely dressed, and ready, but without a soul. "Sorry- I mean George."

"Gog is good." George bluntly said, before turning and getting his bag. "Let's go, Clay."

Dream blushed. It was the first time George called him by his first name, and it sent his heart into a quick pace. "Y-yeah- let's go." He nodded, stuttering, before leading the way. After a good ten minutes of walking, we got to the convention hall. "Y'know what's first today?"

"No?" George chuckled awkwardly, "Sorry...."

"No, no worries." Dream laughed softly, "you have a meet and greet."

"Oh!" George seemed excited, "oh I've been looking forward to meeting some fans!"

"Heh, I'm glad you're excited." Dream smiled at George's kid-like enthusiasm. He missed having that kind of energy, and wished that George's vibe would rub off on him. George was right. He had been too uptight.

Dream led him to the meet and greet place, and sat him down backstage. "It technically starts in about thirty, but people will start lining up in about ten, and they'll tell you to get out there in twenty." Dream explained, "I'm going to get breakfast, what do you want?"

"Oh no it's okay I can get it myself after-"

"No George I'm literally your assistant."

"... can I have a bagel with cream cheese then?"

"Yup, you want a coffee?"


"How do you take it?"

"Just anything that's iced is okay." George started opening his bag for his wallet.

"Nope, it's my treat!" Dream started to walk away, and before George could stop him, Dream started running. "Bye bye Gog~"

"It's not Gog, but you're lucky that you're cute." George muttered to himself. Somehow the nickname only felt right to him when Dream said it. Huh.

Ten minutes had passed, and some staff looked out of the curtains, and saw a line. "Uh oh..."

Another ten minutes passed, and just as Dream predicted, the staff rushed George out, and to a huge line of people. Oh great.

After an hour and a half, George had his bag full of fan art, stuffier, etc, and he waved everyone goodbye one last time, before he turned back into the backstage, where the tall, blond man waited for him. "Hello Gog."

"Hah... please tell me you'll never stop using that nickname." George blushed unconsciously, and Dream smiled, his cheeks dusting a shade of pink too.

"Sure thing." Dream agreed.

"Good." George nodded.

"Here's your food, sorry I couldn't make it before the meet and greet..." Dream smiled sheepishly, looking away in shame.

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